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Eric the Minion

Avengers: Endgame Monday Thread (4/29): 36.87M (3rd best Monday ever)

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14 minutes ago, Jayhawk said:

What do we think about today? I think staying flat is probably the best case scenario, the cheap tickets will have the opposite effect than normal when demand is this strong. 


I will be absolutely shocked if it doesnt decrease. Spillover effect is lessened and the cheaper tickets coupled with the huge demand will lead to overall lower numbers even if slightly more people are watching it than on Monday.

Edited by Brainbug
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9 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


I will be absolutely shocked if it doesnt decrease. Spillover effect is lessened and the cheaper tickets coupled with the huge demand will lead to overall lower ticket sales even if more people are watching it than on Monday.

Same here, thinking at least 10% up to 20% although that seems like a lot. Projected a 13% drop just for random guessing

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17 minutes ago, cdsacken said:

Took avatar what like 45 days? Jesus that movie just never stopped making great money until the very very very end.

Yeah the fact that Avatar added almost $800m after its 45th day is insane. Most movies are like 95-99% done by then.


 Endgame is going to absolutely shatter the "fastest to $2 billion" record, from 45 days to just 12. In 2010, Avatar also destroyed the record for "fastest to $1 billion" from the 66 days of Dead Man's chest to just 19.

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Thought I would take a stab at projecting the weekdays/2nd weekend.  This is my conservative outlook for A:EG based on RTH's & Charlies numbers.

1st Weekend: 357.12  
  Mon 37.5  
  Tue 34.9 (-7%)
  Wed 25.1 (-28%)
  Thu 23.9 (-5%)
Total Weekdays: 121.3  
  Fri 42.94 (+80%)
    62.26 (+45%)
    48.56 (-22%)
2nd Weekend: 153.8 (-57%)
Total after 2nd WE: 632.22  
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19 minutes ago, setna said:

By the way, i don´t know if i missed it, but, anyone knows how much were finally previews from thursday?

I am pretty sure the 60M prelim number is final, in the sense that it is all we're going to get. Disney doesn't really care enough to get more detailed.

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3 hours ago, cdsacken said:

I don't like Thanos ( I think that's the point) but his character is pretty damn awesome, incredibly powerful and easily one of the best actor choices in the entire series. Brolin is so good.

There’s a phrase that goes back to the silent era (originally describing Erich von Stroheim): “The man you love to hate.” I think that applies here. You love to hate Thanos. Aside from the cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs nut jobs who think #ThanosDidNothingWrong, most of us know the Mad Titan is as insane as his nickname implies, and that his plan to bring “balance” to the universe through genocide on a cosmic scale is absolutely and undeniably psychopathic lunacy, but we still loved to see him win and snap half the universe away in IW because we admired that he was such a badass bad guy that he could get that far and not be thwarted - and that the filmmakers were not themselves thwarted from making it happen. (I know I often feel slightly disappointed when the villain gets stopped too early; I want to see their plan come at least almost to fruition and all hell to break loose, and THEN the heroes have to deal with it.)


As far as memorable, charismatic and quotable cinema villains go, I’m sure plenty would agree that he earns his place among all-time greats like Blofeld, Darth Vader, the Joker, Hannibal Lecter, Keyser Soze, Agent Smith and Voldemort.

Edited by TServo2049
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10 hours ago, FilmBuff said:

Empires antic grew thin with me. Glad that dude left. Dude called Wonder Woman bad, and WW ended up being awesome. 


Kept badmouthing WW and Aquaman 

So if someone disagrees with your opinion you want them to leave the forum?


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45 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:



2000s: The Joker

2010s: Thanos



No doubt the villain of the decade to audiences


Fiege and company really made some interesting choices over the span of the MCU and its villains. The early individual films had warranted criticisms that many of the villains weren't impressive. But, it let them have room to build up to someone like Thanos,and in general, having the stakes be elevated. 



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