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Frozen II | Nov 22 2019 | 2nd Most Profitable Movie of 2019. Disney does it again! | Documentary series coming to D+ June 26

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Frozen II (2019)

I think I like this more than the first honestly. While nothing tops the climax of the first I think it's more even throughout. The plot is pretty thin but I appreciated the film is more interested in the growth of the characters. The film is definitely more mature and serious which is reflected in the songs too (which top early to tell but I enjoy it more than the first overall). This film reminds me of GOTG Vol 2 in many ways.


If I were to rank this decade of WDAS films

1. Zootopia

2. Wreck It Ralph 

3. Tangled

4. Moana

5. Frozen II

6. Frozen

7. Winnie the Pooh

8. Ralph Breaks the Internet 

9. Big Hero 6

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I couldn't really rank this decade's WDAS films, because outside of the Frozen films and Tangled, the others have just been kinda there for me. Zootopia came close though, loved it when I first saw it, but sorta fell off my radar afterwards.


I guess if I were to try


1. Frozen

2. Frozen 2

3. Tangled

4. The Obvious Testing the Market for a Disney Princess Crossover movie scene in Ralph Breaks the Internet

5. Zootopia

6. Moana

7. Big Hero 6

8. Wreck-it-Ralph

9. The rest of Ralph Breaks the Internet

10. Winnie the Pooh (IT'S FIFTY MINUTES)


Kinda wish they would make more fairy tale esque movies, I did kinda want to see Gigantic before it was cancelled.

Edited by Yandereprime101189
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So about Some Things Never Change:

I think it fits perfectly in the theme of the movie as an introduction song, telling us the general feelings of the characters after 3 years passed since the original timeline. Interestingly this song is pretty much about how things do change, like the autumn is the season most associated with changing.


Since growing to be an adult is one of the most important aspects of the movie, I particularly loved the ending with Elsa separating herself from her loved ones. It shows that there comes the time, when you have to move on with your life. Still, some things never change, you can always count on your family and you can always find the time to spend with them. One of the reasons Elsa's journey resonated with me so much is that I'm in a similar position right now in my life. I moved out from our family's home at the beginning of this year. I live in the same city but there is a 1 hour travel whenever I visit home. Still I visit my family almost every Sunday, and I love to spend time with them, while still enjoying an exciting new life, where I need to take care of myself and make my own decisions about my life. Things are changing rapidly, but I wish some never does.


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That's what I love from Frozen 2. It's about growing up, moving forward, and taking that first step out of your comfort zone. In the process, some things may change, but don't worry, because there are always things that will never change. All of the songs have this theme. They really carry the story and character developments.


Btw, the songs are doing great on iTunes US. Idina's Into the Unknown is #4 and #32. Combined, it's #3, just below The Weeknd's 2 new releases. While Show Yourself is at #11 combined. And it looks like the album will rise to #3 on Billboard 200. Will it be the number one Christmas seller? It seems like a perfect album to gift.

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It can be overlooked by some, but I absolutely loved The Next Rigth Thing, it's so heartbreaking. As a 28 years old guy I very rarely get this emotional over movies. Maybe I'm getting softer with age. :P

Sadly I was only able to watch the movie with Hungarian dub, but I checked out the original version since and it's even more packed with emotions. Kristen Bell is wonderful, the pain in her voice is overwhelming. Need to catch a subbed showing.

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I was going to watch the first film this evening, but after I got home from work, I realized I could hop down to the Pacific Science Center and see 2 on IMAX laser. Totally worth it. 


I listened through the songs a few times earlier today, and they're all growing on me. One interesting thing is that while I like other songs better, Into the Unknown is really strong as a memorable, singalong number. Show Yourself, The Next Right Thing, and even All is Found are emotionally stronger, but ItU is amped up in such a way that I'd expect it to get more play. (Just listen to it and walk. It exudes power. Your steps will be more confident.) 


I wonder if we'll get an every language album of it like Let it Go had. 

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I love Idina's version of Into the unknown. It has really grown on me after watching the movie. It has the sass and Confidence of Let it go Elsa. In to the Unknown and Show yourself complement each other. On their own they may not be let it go level but together they make up for it.

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Billboard Top 200 Album

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