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The Box Office Buzz and Tracking Thread: Electric Boogaloo

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Dont know if this is a big deal but ontario canada movie theatres  to start opening friday. Though with the us productions keep pushing release dates i dont see how much it will change things lol

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@Porthos @Inceptionzq @VenomXXR @Tinalera @Menor @TalismanRing @DAJK @keysersoze123 @FlashMaster659 @el sid


I'm having one of those nights where I'm nostalgically looking through the tracking thread, remembering better days. Reading through the ramp-up to Captain Marvel's release when we were all debating over how high it could go. How we all came together when Pulse shut down. How Toy Story 4 went so high only to go so low but not really. How we all got super excited over Bad Boys for Life selling like crazy outta nowhere, thinking that 2020 was gonna be something special.


In another world, we would have been arguing over Jungle Cruise's pre-sales. We would have spent a month, maybe two, looking at Wonder Woman's ticket sales. But instead, who knows if we'll even get to do this kind of stuff again. This is the pits dude.



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3 hours ago, Eric Skywalker said:

@Porthos @Inceptionzq @VenomXXR @Tinalera @Menor @TalismanRing @DAJK @keysersoze123 @FlashMaster659 @el sid


I'm having one of those nights where I'm nostalgically looking through the tracking thread, remembering better days. Reading through the ramp-up to Captain Marvel's release when we were all debating over how high it could go. How we all came together when Pulse shut down. How Toy Story 4 went so high only to go so low but not really. How we all got super excited over Bad Boys for Life selling like crazy outta nowhere, thinking that 2020 was gonna be something special.


In another world, we would have been arguing over Jungle Cruise's pre-sales. We would have spent a month, maybe two, looking at Wonder Woman's ticket sales. But instead, who knows if we'll even get to do this kind of stuff again. This is the pits dude.



I wish there was a sadder reaction than just :whosad:

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8 hours ago, Eric Skywalker said:

@Porthos @Inceptionzq @VenomXXR @Tinalera @Menor @TalismanRing @DAJK @keysersoze123 @FlashMaster659 @el sid


I'm having one of those nights where I'm nostalgically looking through the tracking thread, remembering better days. Reading through the ramp-up to Captain Marvel's release when we were all debating over how high it could go. How we all came together when Pulse shut down. How Toy Story 4 went so high only to go so low but not really. How we all got super excited over Bad Boys for Life selling like crazy outta nowhere, thinking that 2020 was gonna be something special.


In another world, we would have been arguing over Jungle Cruise's pre-sales. We would have spent a month, maybe two, looking at Wonder Woman's ticket sales. But instead, who knows if we'll even get to do this kind of stuff again. This is the pits dude.



Ahh. There will always be room to debate how many new subscriptions a release is bringing to a streaming service. And they may even throw you a bone from time to time and announce how many views a particular program is getting.

Edited by RockyMountain
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9 hours ago, Eric Skywalker said:

@Porthos @Inceptionzq @VenomXXR @Tinalera @Menor @TalismanRing @DAJK @keysersoze123 @FlashMaster659 @el sid


I'm having one of those nights where I'm nostalgically looking through the tracking thread, remembering better days. Reading through the ramp-up to Captain Marvel's release when we were all debating over how high it could go. How we all came together when Pulse shut down. How Toy Story 4 went so high only to go so low but not really. How we all got super excited over Bad Boys for Life selling like crazy outta nowhere, thinking that 2020 was gonna be something special.


In another world, we would have been arguing over Jungle Cruise's pre-sales. We would have spent a month, maybe two, looking at Wonder Woman's ticket sales. But instead, who knows if we'll even get to do this kind of stuff again. This is the pits dude.



It almost feels like karma for how crazy 2019 was, with all the massive successes and huge bombs. But I guess I'm an optimist and I think we'll be back at some point, even if it takes a while. 

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13 minutes ago, Menor said:

It almost feels like karma for how crazy 2019 was, with all the massive successes and huge bombs. But I guess I'm an optimist and I think we'll be back at some point, even if it takes a while. 


In all honesty I think it is largely the movie industries fault. Something like this was bound to happen considering how reliant production companies and theaters had become on their massive blockbusters. If they were still making a lot of movies in the 50 to 100 million range than they could probably be releasing movies now/or if not very soon and they could get a large portion of their money back and may still even be able to make a profit on some of them. But we are in an age where 200m+ movies have become mainstream and it takes 700-800m dollars for them to make a profit and that is just not a sound long-term game plan. That is like a football team whose main offensive weapon is throwing a bomb.


If the theaters are able to come back from this the industry needs to change significantly. Make a huge block buster once in a while but have your meat and potatoes be the medium sized films again. I don't think enough people will ever go back to the theaters in order to support the blockbusters the way they did the last couple years.

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5 hours ago, RockyMountain said:

In all honesty I think it is largely the movie industries fault. Something like this was bound to happen considering how reliant production companies and theaters had become on their massive blockbusters. If they were still making a lot of movies in the 50 to 100 million range than they could probably be releasing movies now/or if not very soon and they could get a large portion of their money back and may still even be able to make a profit on some of them. But we are in an age where 200m+ movies have become mainstream and it takes 700-800m dollars for them to make a profit and that is just not a sound long-term game plan. That is like a football team whose main offensive weapon is throwing a bomb.

That seem pushing it, when talking about a never seen before (even for the Spanish flu societies were cleaning theater/closing them not for very long) event.


Even 40m-100m dollar movies would have had an extreme hard time to success theatrically in july in the USA and the nuance of trying to make 4 of them succeed versus one big one isn't necessarily that big for an industry overall, it spread the risk but you still need as many people going to theater.


In 2020, Bad Boys, 1917, Sonic, Invisible Man, Gentlemen were successful (even call for the wild performance was not bad for a movie like that, would it not be for it's enormous budget), and many of smallers movie were ready for a release (next purge sequel, bad trip, Greyhound, Scoop, Candyman, Ghostbuster, Hitman sequel, Conjuring, Kingmans sequel, Venom 2, Death on the nile, Halloween) if none of those were able to get released (or finished) if they would have had more of them in stock I am not sure what it change.

Edited by Barnack
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I too miss the box office counting and thread. Now with tenet talked about staggered releases and mulan aug 21 ( maybe?) who knows whats going on.


Thank you for posting this. Seeing posts in the tracking thread made me hopeful for future days of counts and trends discussion. 


Oops meant as reply to eric skywalker lol.


Hey some discussion again in the Prediction thread! So nice to see again!


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4 hours ago, RockyMountain said:


In all honesty I think it is largely the movie industries fault. Something like this was bound to happen considering how reliant production companies and theaters had become on their massive blockbusters. If they were still making a lot of movies in the 50 to 100 million range than they could probably be releasing movies now/or if not very soon and they could get a large portion of their money back and may still even be able to make a profit on some of them. But we are in an age where 200m+ movies have become mainstream and it takes 700-800m dollars for them to make a profit and that is just not a sound long-term game plan. That is like a football team whose main offensive weapon is throwing a bomb.


If the theaters are able to come back from this the industry needs to change significantly. Make a huge block buster once in a while but have your meat and potatoes be the medium sized films again. I don't think enough people will ever go back to the theaters in order to support the blockbusters the way they did the last couple years.

Hmm, I guess it depends on the effectiveness and timing of a possible vaccine. If we get a vaccine by January that gives a strong level of immunity, my gut feeling is that people will be going back to theaters in big numbers by December 2021. Admittedly, I could be totally bullshitting as I tend be too optimistic about things. 

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14 hours ago, Eric Skywalker said:

@Porthos @Inceptionzq @VenomXXR @Tinalera @Menor @TalismanRing @DAJK @keysersoze123 @FlashMaster659 @el sid


I'm having one of those nights where I'm nostalgically looking through the tracking thread, remembering better days. Reading through the ramp-up to Captain Marvel's release when we were all debating over how high it could go. How we all came together when Pulse shut down. How Toy Story 4 went so high only to go so low but not really. How we all got super excited over Bad Boys for Life selling like crazy outta nowhere, thinking that 2020 was gonna be something special.


In another world, we would have been arguing over Jungle Cruise's pre-sales. We would have spent a month, maybe two, looking at Wonder Woman's ticket sales. But instead, who knows if we'll even get to do this kind of stuff again. This is the pits dude.



 Can’t wait until this thread is pinned back at the top :whosad:

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So this happened.


And. Here. We. Go.


Gotta wonder how this affects opening weekends. Its for 17 days.


Opening weekend tends to be theatre devotees, so opening weekend numbers may not change.


But i do wonder if this changes box office predictions based on opening weekends.


If streaming within 3 weeks becomes a thing across all studios, imo the game changes for total box office earnings.


apparently tentpoles will prolly get longer exclusive arrangements


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21 hours ago, Tinalera said:



So this happened.


And. Here. We. Go.


Gotta wonder how this affects opening weekends. Its for 17 days.


Opening weekend tends to be theatre devotees, so opening weekend numbers may not change.


But i do wonder if this changes box office predictions based on opening weekends.


If streaming within 3 weeks becomes a thing across all studios, imo the game changes for total box office earnings.


apparently tentpoles will prolly get longer exclusive arrangements


I think they’ll only use the 17 Days thing from movies that are tanking right out the gate. The likes of Jem And The Holograms and Black Christmas.

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18 minutes ago, Boxofficerules said:

I think they’ll only use the 17 Days thing from movies that are tanking right out the gate. The likes of Jem And The Holograms and Black Christmas.

Or very frontloaded if we use that as a recent reference:



Paramount has signed a deal with AMC Theaters and Cineplex to allow two of its upcoming films to be made available for home viewing about two weeks after their theatrical run has dwindled to 300 theaters or less. The two horror movies—Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension and Scout’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse—are small releases, but Paramount hopes to enact the new strategy with many more films in the future.


In July, Paramount announced that it had struck a deal with AMC Entertainment and Cineplex Entertainment to make Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse and Ghost Dimension available digitally, 17 days after they drop below 300 theaters, as part of a larger experiment, and asked other theaters to join in. In return, Paramount would share an undisclosed portion of proceeds of the VOD revenues.[16] Per industry sources, Paramount is giving participating exhibitors an estimated 2-4% share of their digital revenue made between the time the film drops below 300 theaters and 90 days after its opening date.[17] Those agreeing to Paramount's formula includes AMC, Canada's Cineplex,

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25 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

New Mutants presales are starting in a week (on the 18th). You guys gonna track it?

If there are Thursday previews, then yes.


Although I doubt I’ll use my old data either way, so I don’t know how valuable it will be

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