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Flop Weekend Thread: Top 5 Weekend Actuals - TSLOP2 $46.65M | Dark Phoenix $32.83M | Aladdin $24.68M | Godzilla KOTM $15.45M | Rocketman $13.82M

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2 hours ago, JonathanLB said:

I don’t like the term “adult films” being used to describe extremely boring, pointless indie films that these clowns send out every year for the awards votes. That demeans the word “adult” if that’s what you’re going to consider an adult movie. “Absolutely must be boring and pointless and about some left-leaning social justice issue or it’s not an adult movie!!” Pass!

Couldn't agree more.


I also disagree with the way many of you are formulating your arguments. First of all, I do not think violence, swearing or various thematics (or a certain MPAA rating) are required to tell a good story.  If you watch films to feel grown-up, more power to you, but I personally do not look for such validation from my entertainment. If their films simply do not appeal to you, that's fine, but you are no less a literate adult for enjoying a Pixar film than you are one for appreciating the wit in a Charlie Kaufman film.


In any case, why bemoan Disney's lack of "adult-targeted" films at all? What's wrong with a studio focusing on what it does best? They make plenty of great films through their various studio subsidiaries. If you're looking for something edgier, you have plenty of other studios making such films, although I suspect part of Disney's acquisition of Fox was to diversify their films once again (don't forget Disney released plenty of R-rated flicks for years through the likes of Touchstone and Miramax).


While frankly I feel its silly to rail against Disney for a lack of "adult-only" entertainment, I am, however, much more sympatheic to those upset about the chokehold that four-quadrant films have on the box office. It seems in today's multiplexes, its very difficult for a film targeting a single demographic to thrive alongside films with broader appeal. 


Edited by Justin4125
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Yeah that KotM drop kind of sucks. I’m going to take that as that we know monster films can drop hard its second weekend plus it lost all imax screens. I would imagine its drop next weekend should stabilize a bit... hopefully anyway!

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5 hours ago, Gopher said:

Gonna point out in all the doom and gloom that Rocketman's going to hit a 42-43% drop off a solid opening weekend, easily the best of last weekend's releases. Will likely leg its way out past 90m. Totally respectable for a 40m grosser (though I imagine marketing was at least that much), which will clear 200 worldwide. Whether this was the best time of year to put it out for the film itself I'm unsure about, but it's definitive proof that an original movie for adults can fight its way past the summer insanity if 1. the marketing buy is strong enough 2. the movie is good. 


Yeah, it's doing well. Probably doesn't have enough juice to reach $100M but even $80M+ would be enough to keep Egerton in the Oscar conversation until the end of the year on account that he's one of the few Best Actor contenders whose movie will actually be seen in addition to playing a real life icon.

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2 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Magneto's helmet and armor are designed specifically to stop Xavier, a telekinectic God, from shredding his mind to pieces. Xavier's powers can't really touch him, tbh, since Mags focuses so much of his electromagnetic manipulation power into creating shielding circuitry to protect him from X. And if X can't break into someone's mind, that someone is probably more powerful than him.

Exactly right:).  Now, you know why Charles created the X-Men, b/c with a teammate or two, Charles is the more powerful one...that teammate just has to be able to grab the helmet (hello, Nightcrawler and Kitty Pride:)...

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22 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Yeah, it's doing well. Probably doesn't have enough juice to reach $100M but even $80M+ would be enough to keep Egerton in the Oscar conversation until the end of the year on account that he's one of the few Best Actor contenders whose movie will actually be seen in addition to playing a real life icon.

It is tracking on par with Christopher Robin when it comes to 2nd weekend totals with a better 2nd weekend drop, and while CR lost Summer weekdays a month after it opened, Rocketman will start having them from here on out. It is also probably the only shot that Paramount have to have a movie in the top 10 films of the Summer (their only other Summer releases are Crawl, whose ceiling is probably a Shallows/Escape Room-type range, and Dora, which..... yeah), and apart from Yesterday and Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, the only major adult-serving film of the season. Plus, even if it misses 100 on original run, a late year re-release in order to get Egerton on awards watch could get the job done. I think that Paramount can put the work for it to get to 100M for sure.

2 hours ago, Justin4125 said:

Couldn't agree more.


I also disagree with the way many of you are formulating your arguments. First of all, I do not think violence, swearing or various thematics (or a certain MPAA rating) are required to tell a good story.  If you watch films to feel grown-up, more power to you, but I personally do not look for such validation from my entertainment. If their films simply do not appeal to you, that's fine, but you are no less a literate adult for enjoying a Pixar film than you are one for appreciating the wit in a Charlie Kaufman film.


In any case, why bemoan Disney's lack of "adult-targeted" films at all? What's wrong with a studio focusing on what it does best? They make plenty of great films through their various studio subsidiaries. If you're looking for something edgier, you have plenty of other studios making such films, although I suspect part of Disney's acquisition of Fox was to diversify their films once again (don't forget Disney released plenty of R-rated flicks for years through the likes of Touchstone and Miramax).


While frankly I feel its silly to rail against Disney for a lack of "adult-only" entertainment, I am, however, much more sympatheic to those upset about the chokehold that four-quadrant films have on the box office. It seems in today's multiplexes, its very difficult for a film targeting a single demographic to thrive alongside films with broader appeal.

The rally against Disney isn't necessarily because they don't make movies not for a four-quadrant audience. The rally is against the blockbuster/tentpole-only model that is making other studios incompetitive as they rely far often more on mid to low budget films. Seriously, besides megalomaniac corporates, who likes monopolies? And yeah, the blame can also be put on the other studios for lack of effort on marketing or quality perspectives, but still.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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2 hours ago, bleachella said:

I'm getting Solo/Justice League flashbacks with how every Dark Phoenix update goes lower... could it go under 30m?:jeb!:

It's at 24.5 Saturday so no 30m is safe.

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Disney kinda put everyone in a corner by putting their big bets of the summer exactly four weeks apart from each other but it's hard to look at the movies that are underperforming and believe they would've fared any better under different circumstances. Maybe Pets 2 (since getting saddled between Aladdin and Toy Story 4 assured that it would come across as a nonentity) but even then not by much with how much of the audience it's looking to bleed.

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The year is 2030. All the remaining movie studios have been merged with Disney. There will be no antitrust case because the judiciary has been merged with Disney. People no longer go to the "movies"/"cinema" but to Disney-o-vision facilities.


Congrats Disney on pioneering a PG(-13) cyberpunk DIStopia without the cyber or the punk!


(Tongue only slightly in cheek...)

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5 hours ago, Gopher said:

Gonna point out in all the doom and gloom that Rocketman's going to hit a 42-43% drop off a solid opening weekend, easily the best of last weekend's releases. Will likely leg its way out past 90m. Totally respectable for a 40m grosser (though I imagine marketing was at least that much), which will clear 200 worldwide. Whether this was the best time of year to put it out for the film itself I'm unsure about, but it's definitive proof that an original movie for adults can fight its way past the summer insanity if 1. the marketing buy is strong enough 2. the movie is good. 


Two week early previews (no number released by the studio or trades) were rolled into o/w so the drop is a bit better than that.  Probably under 40%.

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8 minutes ago, Marathon said:

The year is 2030. All the remaining movie studios have been merged with Disney. There will be no antitrust case because the judiciary has been merged with Disney. People no longer go to the "movies"/"cinema" but to Disney-o-vision facilities.


Congrats Disney on pioneering a PG(-13) cyberpunk DIStopia without the cyber or the punk!


(Tongue only slightly in cheek...)

Isn't there a movie/book where they are called 'Disnies' because they own everything xD

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17 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

The rally against Disney isn't necessarily because they don't make movies not for a four-quadrant audience. The rally is against the blockbuster/tentpole-only model that is making other studios incompetitive as they rely far often more on mid to low budget films. Seriously, besides megalomaniac corporates, who likes monopolies? And yeah, the blame can also be put on the other studios for lack of effort on marketing or quality perspectives, but still.

Except the movies that have recently under performed from other studios have all been tent poles targeting the same 4 quadrants


Summer has been tent pole season for a long long time.  The only difference is that right now it's being dominated by one studio - and not by out put but by success.  That's not a monopoly.


Shazam, Detective Pickachu, & Godzilla 2, SLOP 2,  X-Men 6 (made by Fox and it's a forced $ losing release for Disney) - all tent poles with a lot of theaters and screens.


Next week MIB Intl'l and Shaft  - 2 sequels - one a tent pole.

In R Rated fare - JW3 and Rocketman have been successes.  MA looks to be another good performer for Blumhouse. The Curse of Llorna also made money as well as The Intruder.


Longshot and Booksmart  are the biggest quality casualties but Rom Coms have not done well in theaters for a long time and now Netflix seems to be the place people go to watch them and Booksmart was poorly marketed with an ill thought out rollout.


But Hellboy, The Hustle, Pom Poms, Tolkien, The Sun Is Also a Star, Uglydolls, Brightburn, The Best Of Enemies, A Dogs Journey - not a lot of quality there.  


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25 minutes ago, Hydrogen said:

Yeah! good movie 

"Our lives are not our own, we are bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future."


"No matter what you do, it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean!"

"What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?"


Epic, one of my favorites.

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I think this is a very harsh time for us as box office followers but overall a much needed hard hit of consecutive weekends that solidifies that the GA still cares about quality and not just brand recognition/sequels.  I'm willing to be disappointed and bored for a few weeks if that means the summers go back to more quality/event type films.  Discretionary income is too sparse for most people to just throw it away at shit to mediocre films.  Even in the summer.

Edited by RyneOh1040
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1 hour ago, Cookson said:

Yeah that KotM drop kind of sucks. I’m going to take that as that we know monster films can drop hard its second weekend plus it lost all imax screens. I would imagine its drop next weekend should stabilize a bit... hopefully anyway!

yeah huge drop .. but i m sure next weekend movie might stabilize just like deadpool (65% Drop in 2nd weekend)

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