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Eric Burnett

THE STAR WARS THE RISE OF SKYWALKER WEEKEND THREAD | Abandon all hope, ye who enter here | 177.38 DOM, 197 OS, 373.5 WW | SALE NOW LIVE

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Just now, Fullbuster said:


So why do so many seem to be disappointed over here while the audience apparently love it? Where are the true fans? @Porthos we need your viewpoint 🧐

I don't think this is a very convincing sample size yet.  TLJ has over 200k user scores, and I think there's a chance that 11k reviews from 'verified audiences' is largely of Thurs night diehards and is self-selecting.  I'd like to see at least 100k users before we have some kind of representative consensus.

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1 minute ago, Lion Roar said:

Is 86% verified really good though? TLK has 88%, J3 has 87%, Aladdin has 94%, F2 has 92%. Mid 80's seem more meh than good. 


It's very solid. But it's also early. I would guess it finishes low 80's after a more broad audience has seen the film.


Last Jedi was crashed into the 40's by trolls. But even taking out the trolls, I am guessing the audience score on that film might have been around 65-70%. So if Rise of Skywalker can stay around 80% or higher, that's a solid step in the right direction compared to Last Jedi. 

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10 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:

How much to expect for OW with a $90M OD?


6 minutes ago, JJ-8 said:

185 - 199?


4 minutes ago, RichWS said:


I'd say it's headed right for 185, give or take a couple mill.



Don’t forget RTH came in before with 88-92. If TROS reaches 92 then you would think 190+ is possible with a small outside shot of 200

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I really don’t understand all the doom and gloom. That audience score on RT is on par with with TFA. Yeah it is early days but it’s no TLJ and the prequels are all in the 50s. It’s not On par with the  originals but who expected that really anyway.  The film is crowd I believe and we should strong legs I think. 

I loved the film as I posted earlier and I believe it’s a perfect conclusion to the 9 film arc of the sky walker saga. There were some surprises, some heart pulling moments, great actions set pieces.  I give it 9 / 10.

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12 minutes ago, JJ-8 said:

Don’t forget RTH came in before with 88-92. If TROS reaches 92 then you would think 190+ is possible with a small outside shot of 200


Sure, I think 92 gets it to 192-193. It would really need to reach 95 for a good shot at 200.

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I liked it even better after watching it a 2nd time

This is because I had no more expectations and I didn't have everyone else's loud opinions in my subconscious anymore

I regret watching and reading even non-spoiler reviews because I then started pinpointing the scenes the criticisms were referring to

I feel like if I just went in with absolutely no idea of what to expect I would've enjoyed it more and not look at every scene and subconsciously nitpick


Disregarding every extra thing weighing this film down whether it'd be the TLJ vs TFA vs OT vs whatever debates...

As a film in itself, I absolutely love its message, makes me feel really good and hopeful, personally

And if others felt I what I felt after watching this film then absolute kudos and respect to everyone involved in this film


Also idk if it's just me but something about the atmosphere/vibe of this movie and TFA really gives me 90s vibes for some reason, which makes me love them even more

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42 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:


So why do so many seem to be disappointed over here while the audience apparently love it? Where are the true fans? @Porthos we need your viewpoint 🧐

Sorry, super busy right now and probably will be until the holidays are over.


I wouldn't say "audiences love it" as it's to soon to tell, and the Audience Score, flawed as it is, isn't in the 90s.  But very very VERY early returns suggest a better reception than TLJ, sure.  But I'd at least want to see Sat bump and Sun drop before drawing any real conclusions.




I will say, personally, that while I know several people here were disappointed in the film (some greatly), looking at it from a viewpoint of minimal investment, I think it'll do fine.  The pace seemed fine enough, though it could have breathed a bit more.  Plot wasn't confusing or easy to lose track of (whether they were executed well is a separate debate).  And there's plenty of excitement and fanservice.


In short, a cerebral film, this ain't. :)   I really have no clue how the GA will feel about it, but I suspect it should play well with folks who just want to have an entertaining action flick to enjoy.


Much else I have to say I think gets too close to spoilers, so I'll leave it at those general terms.

Edited by Porthos
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