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The Wild Eric

THE STAR WARS THE RISE OF SKYWALKER WEEKEND THREAD | Abandon all hope, ye who enter here | 177.38 DOM, 197 OS, 373.5 WW | SALE NOW LIVE

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I'm going to watch TROS later today. I need to witness from first hand how bad this movie actually is. Even though I've known the last couple of weeks how this movie ends I need to actually see it on screen.


At least this time I'm not emotionally connected like I was with Game of Thrones filled with anger and disapappointment. With Star Wars I'm going to laugh about it.

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2 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:

I'm going to watch TROS later today. I need to witness from first hand how bad this movie actually is. Even though I've known the last couple of weeks how this movie ends I need to actually see it on screen.


At least this time I'm not emotionally connected like I was with Game of Thrones filled with anger and disapappointment. With Star Wars I'm going to laugh about it.

Oh my, well I still can't get over Game of Thrones season 8 :(


I still only class Game of Thrones season 1-4 as existing, due to them being based on the actual books. Though the new Targaryen should on HBO should be interesting, but it's a shame they cancelled the Long Night show. But true true :( 

Edited by Bart Allen
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4 hours ago, Felandria said:

It’s almost like Last Jedi dropped around the same, percentage wise, as Empire and Clones.


Get outta here calling it nonsense, from a historical perspective, it was totally valid.

But AOTC didn't fall that hard, for some reason when we do this calcuation we add the rerelease of TPM on top of the total, the real drop was 30% so TLJ did worse than it.


Also something repeating 2 doesn't make it a pattern. It could be but something only happening 2 times is a very fragile and iffy pattern.

Also the patern would be:

ANH 504m WW

ESB 400m WW => 20% drop (DOM 32% drop)

TRJ 374m WW => 6.5% drop (DOM 20% increase)

TPM: 924m WW

AOTC: 641m WW => 30% drop  (DOM 30% drop)

ROTS: 850m WW => 32% increase (DOM 26% increase)


So the TLJ dropping 35.6% is a lot bigger than ESB WW and bigger than AOTC drop.

The 33.7% drop DOM is getting closer but still the worst, that combined with only a 2.85 multi over christmas (super low average for blockerbusters is 3.5) shows that there was a lot more in play than just following a pattern (WW it's even hard to call it one) it is a bs argument.


Also 35.6% isn't around 25% it's way worse.

Edited by pepsa
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1 hour ago, cedec0 said:

The Star Wars movies are the pillars of the star wars universe, and those pillars are broken.  A retcon of this ST is the only thing that could fix the star wars brand, and that is impossible.  You might be able to reccon a TV series or game, but not a central movie.  George wouldn't be able to do anything if he comes back.


Disney can put bandage bandages on by doing quality shows like the mandalorian, but the broken world building from ST will plague Star Wars for the rest of time.


The people behind the ST considered star wars to be space wizards for kids.  Now that is what it has become.

Edited by cedec0

This seems a little hyperbolic to me, but to be fair, I am not a Star Wars fanboy, so I'm not familiar with the minutiae of concepts like The Force. If you're a fan very invested in the Star Wars universe, I can understand having strong opinions about what it should be.


That being said, while I'm not totally familiar with what kind of world building mistakes the sequel trilogy has made from your perspective, I think the core of any good movie - and perhaps especially when it comes to a good sci-fi/fantasy movie - is a story with compelling themes about characters facing conflict, internal or external. I think many compelling stories could be told within the Star Wars universe moving forward - even if you believe this sequel trilogy was unsuccessful in this regard - as a science fiction/fantasy backdrop can be such a brilliant way of telling very human stories in an accessible and entertaining way. Sci-fi/fantasy represents not just escapism or world building, but a safe way to explore genuine human problems.




Edited by MikeQ
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Kylo Ren looks so much like a young Snape. Its why i always found Hans death scene in TFA a bit ironic. Think about it: Han Solo gets a fatal wound and then he falls into the abyss. Its similar to Dumbledores death. And Dumledore was killed by Kylo Ren. I mean Snape.

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14 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

Kylo Ren looks so much like a young Snape. Its why i always found Hans death scene in TFA a bit ironic. Think about it: Han Solo gets a fatal wound and then he falls into the abyss. Its similar to Dumbledores death. And Dumledore was killed by Kylo Ren. I mean Snape.

They "borrowed" quite a lot from Harry Potter, one key scene comes to mind for example. 

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4 minutes ago, Poseidon said:

That would be Black Panthers 2nd saturday. 

Whoops I forgot it was the 2nd Saturday, OH MY :(


And it's also tracking at the 18th biggest Sunday supplanting The Dark Knight Rises, am I right?


Sorry - double post: my mistake

Edited by Bart Allen
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Definitive Star Wars Saga Ranking for me:


1. Empire - Masterpiece
2. A New Hope - Classic
3. The Last Jedi - It just works for me except Canto Bight fuck Canto Bight

4. TFA - Pure Entertainment except Starkiller Base gets lamer with every rewatch
5. Return of the Jedi - 1st act is mediocre, 2nd act is kinda dull, 3rd act is amazing
6. The Rise of Skywalker - LMAO
7. Revenge of the Sith - LMAO
8. The Phantom Menace - Boring
9. Attack of the Clones - Barely a movie

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1 hour ago, marveldcfox said:

What a rapid decline thus franchise had at the box office. Han Solo should have rung alarm bells.

Now imagine if Black Widow and a couple of MCU films disappoint at the box office. Disney will start sweating bullets because they are too dependent on franchises. Already running out of live action remakes and stars wars in rapid decline mode. Not looking good.

I'm waiting for the live-action Frozen announcement. :ohmygod:

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22 minutes ago, eddyxx said:

I just wanna say that there probably are no fans of the TV series Alias who were surprised that J.J. could not make the landing with this film series.



I legit told Tele on Thursday night “JJ Abrams has been a hack since Alias”!



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Definitely can see a trend with JJ Abrams with how he handled both Star Wars and Star Trek. Both Star Trek (2009) and TFA while sure have their flaws introduced a great cast that had great chemistry and likeable characters too. Into Darkness and TROS meanwhile get so bogged down with trying to emulate previous films in their respective franchises and the flaws that were present in the first films start to become more apparent in the sequels.

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