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Eric Prime


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I was deeply, deeply uncomfortable with the body-switching aspect of this, and that neither Diana nor Steve seemed as profoundly disturbed by that as they should have been?  It was played for laughs, but like...that's some guy's body they are using. He's someone's son, who they are taking away from his family and friends.  Not to mention the consent issues with the sex, like...all of that just really bothered me so much that it overshadowed a lot of the good things about Pine and Gadot's chemistry. It was just very icky for me. 


I also wondered about all of the people who made "good" wishes.  We seemed to just see people who wished for things like power or money, but what about the parent who wished their child didn't have cancer?  What about the person who wished AIDS away? There was a prominent "No Nukes" sign, but not one person wished away nuclear weapons?  In the 80's????  Easy to say people should renounce their wishes if you are only going to show people asking for money/fame/weapons, etc.  Seemed to dodge the harder questions pretty readily.  


So, basically, a mess.  A pretty mess, but one that got more disturbing and nonsensical the more I thought about it.  I loved the first movie.  LOVED it.  I cried, more than once, watching it.  WW is my favorite superhero from childhood. I dressed up like her for two Halloweens as a kid, had a WW lunchbox, the whole works.  I am definitey the audience for this, but it did not work for me and really left me cold on the whole thing.  Felt like they wanted to bring Steve back and just made up a story to do that.  


Things I did like:  The Linda Carter cameo was great, the Amazons were neat, Wiig and Pascal were really good, Gadot and Pine are adorable together, the invisibile jet thing was cool, and the armor was beautiful.   It's sad b/c it really wasn't all bad by any means, but the bad just really blotted out the good for me.  

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4 hours ago, sabrecmc said:

I was deeply, deeply uncomfortable with the body-switching aspect of this, and that neither Diana nor Steve seemed as profoundly disturbed by that as they should have been?  It was played for laughs, but like...that's some guy's body they are using. He's someone's son, who they are taking away from his family and friends.  Not to mention the consent issues with the sex, like...all of that just really bothered me so much that it overshadowed a lot of the good things about Pine and Gadot's chemistry. It was just very icky for me. 



This criticism has popped up a lot, and I think a lot of people are forgetting that WW84 is a homage to the films of 80s, which was THE decade for the magical body-swap genre.

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28 minutes ago, Fielding said:

This criticism has popped up a lot, and I think a lot of people are forgetting that WW84 is a homage to the films of 80s, which was THE decade for the magical body-swap genre.

It was a stupid decision to do this in 2020 regardless. 

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1 hour ago, Fielding said:

This criticism has popped up a lot, and I think a lot of people are forgetting that WW84 is a homage to the films of 80s, which was THE decade for the magical body-swap genre.

They really should’ve stopped to consider the implications of it, though. Diana consummating her relationship with Steve, while he’s hijacking a stranger’s consciousness, is an extremely questionable thing to do. Because of this movie, “Wonder Woman is a rapist” is now a thing people can say, which is all kinds of wrong, especially as a role model to young girls. 

What’s more, Diana and Steve never even express concern for the guy who Steve inhabits. The only reason the writing gives for why Diana needs to renounce her wish is because she needs to be at full power in order to stop Maxwell Lord. 

There’s really no reason why the movie couldn’t have simply had Steve magically appear out of thin air. 

Edited by WittyUsername
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3 hours ago, belblazer said:

The last Barbara scene is interesting. We can see in her face that she still is a villain but renounced her wish to be a apex predator, but probably not to be like Diana.


Hopefully we will see her again on the next movie and Circe can turn her on a leopard again.

Cheetah you mean..

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I was looking forward to this. I loved the first film. But WW84 is a major letdown. VERY cheap plot. Uninteresting action, specially the final fight with cheetah. Cheetah looks fine CGI wise, but the whole scene and surroundings smells of greenscreen. And the lack of action, its just a whole lot of talking about the search for this magical plot device.

This would have done poorly at the box office under normal circumstances, but now they have an excuse for it doing poorly at least.

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The way they brought Steve back was dumb and questionable but have to laugh that the actor who plays the dude Steve Trevor possessed is simply credited as "Handsome Man." Poor guy wasn't deemed important enough to even get a character name even though he was basically in the whole movie.


Watching this on HBO Max after seeing it in a theater, the biggest difference is that the action scenes don't pack the same punch on TV even in the highest definition as they do on a big screen. Otherwise, I doubt the reception for this would be different if most people had seen it that way first since the story problems are still there all the same.


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The first one was surprisingly great. It had many epic moments.

This one paled in every possible way.

The story, acting, action, score, cinematography...everything is just so pedestrian. 

Actually, the only decent thing in this movie is "handsome man", which is telling. Now we know why this movie was delayed twice before coming to HBO max. 

200M budget is definitely not on the screen. It feels like a 100M studio film directed by a first timer.


1 point each for handsome man, Chinese kid and invisible fighter crossing through fireworks at night.

That's all.






Edited by marveldcfox
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WW84 - It was OK at best. The whole Trevor thing was just weird. Don’t know why he couldn’t have just reappeared instead of taking over another mans mind and body. The story was pretty weak and the villains get away without any repercussions. Pascal was by far the best thing in the movie though.  B-

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On 12/27/2020 at 3:03 PM, Knights of Ren said:

This song/scene blasting in a cinema made up for any gripe I might of had with the film.  Very powerful and amazing on the big screen.

Have to say, a lot of the score felt like temp score to me. Nothing felt unique to this movie, and even at odds with the tone at times. Needs more Blue Monday.

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31 minutes ago, Avatree said:

Every facebook group Ive been in the last few days, I've seen some people make comments about Wonder Woman 1984 glorifying rape? Is there some backlash to this movie I've missed ?


They are those typical dudebro comments like "rApE is oK wHeN iT haPpEns tO a mAN" like what the FUCK are they smoking? 
Anyone know what this is about? I've literally seen like 15 different people say this in various forums/posts since the movie released on christmas day.

I think both Diana and Steve & Max and Barbara sex were consensual.

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On 12/28/2020 at 12:03 AM, sabrecmc said:


I also wondered about all of the people who made "good" wishes.  We seemed to just see people who wished for things like power or money, but what about the parent who wished their child didn't have cancer?  What about the person who wished AIDS away? There was a prominent "No Nukes" sign, but not one person wished away nuclear weapons?  In the 80's????  Easy to say people should renounce their wishes if you are only going to show people asking for money/fame/weapons, etc.  Seemed to dodge the harder questions pretty readily.  

There are no "good wishes" with a monkeypaw tho. That's the point. I'm honestly happy they didn't show any "good wishes" in the movie go horribly wrong because then that would actually enforce the point that people wishing for better things is bad.

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Spoilers for Soul below:


I think LA Times critic Justin Chang does the best job of dissecting the weird and problematic body-switch stuff in both movies. 



I'd say Freaky dealt with body-switching the best the year lol. Possessor, also a horror movie, probably also deals with it better than either Soul or WW84.


Edited by lorddemaxus
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