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The Wild Eric

VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE WEEKEND THREAD | 90.1M OW! Biggest pandemic opening!

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So, Venom 2 leaned in HEAVY to the spook/violence, the funny, and the clean, compact storyline...in fact, I think this was more "scary" than the 1st, while at the same time being more funny...hard combo to bring off, but for the most part, they did...


Funny enough, my spouse and I gave it the same grades we gave the 1st - B/B-.  We wish they had unleashed Woody more to match the zaniness of Hardy/Venom.  I will say Michelle Williams figured out the tone for this movie, and her scenes are all enjoyable (and she had more to do, which probably helped).  And ultimately our grade is for better tone and better timing/beats, but with less originality b/c this isn't our 1st time with Venom.


The kids all loved it - A, A, A-, B+...so a very happy clan today:)...

Edited by TwoMisfits
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34 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:

No evidence except complete disinterest? Biggest 2nd weekend drop for a DC film since steel? A total $167M WW BO. The only place I see it did okay in was the UK.


And sure it brought back a few characters. And killed them. Yay.

Look, we get it. You don’t like The Suicide Squad. 

It didn’t open this weekend, take it elsewhere. 

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14 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

Look, we get it. You don’t like The Suicide Squad. 

It didn’t open this weekend, take it elsewhere. 

So because I disagree with you I should take the convo elsewhere? I notice you didnt make this comment to the poster you agree with even though it's the same convo.

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3 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:

So because I disagree with you I should take the convo elsewhere? I notice you didnt make this comment to the poster you agree with even though it's the same convo.

I haven’t mentioned TSS? I’m not involved in your conversation. I’ve just noticed you’ve been posting about it all day for some reason. 

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4 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

I haven’t mentioned TSS? I’m not involved in your conversation. I’ve just noticed you’ve been posting about it all day for some reason. 

I wasnt the one who brought it up. And again. You had nothing to say about people who you agree with so you had no problem with the conversation as long as you shared the opinion. I followed the conversation already going in the thread. If you're not involved and have nothing to add except please leave I dont agree with you then why even participate.


And you dont need to mention it I can see who you give reps to.

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41 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:

No evidence except complete disinterest? Biggest 2nd weekend drop for a DC film since steel? A total $167M WW BO. The only place I see it did okay in was the UK.



Trying to compare the 2nd weekend drop of a film available on the TV to a normal blockbuster release makes no sense. You're comparing incomparable stats so you can get the results you want to see despite TSS currently sitting as the 2nd highest rated DCEU movie on RT critic and user scores and IMDB. 


59 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:


And sure it brought back a few characters. And killed them. Yay.


Well they are The Suicide Squad, it's literally what they do. Apart from Smith, who did you even want to return? We got Harley, Rick Flag and Waller. Let's face it, the rest of those small characters were total shit with the exception of Boomerang. They took out the dumb lizard, the boring gangster fire man and that woman with the swords who I honestly don't remember at all except for the fact there was a woman with swords. Instead we got polkadot, the rat lady (who gave the movie its heart, something missing from SS), John Cena and a hungry shark. Damn that shark alone had more personality than all the characters they dropped. 



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18 minutes ago, Chicago said:


Trying to compare the 2nd weekend drop of a film available on the TV to a normal blockbuster release makes no sense. You're comparing incomparable stats so you can get the results you want to see despite TSS currently sitting as the 2nd highest rated DCEU movie on RT critic and user scores and IMDB. 



Well they are The Suicide Squad, it's literally what they do. Apart from Smith, who did you even want to return? We got Harley, Rick Flag and Waller. Let's face it, the rest of those small characters were total shit with the exception of Boomerang. They took out the dumb lizard, the boring gangster fire man and that woman with the swords who I honestly don't remember at all except for the fact there was a woman with swords. Instead we got polkadot, the rat lady (who gave the movie its heart, something missing from SS), John Cena and a hungry shark. Damn that shark alone had more personality than all the characters they dropped. 



The all audience score on RT is 77%. That would make it below Shazam, WW, BOP, ZSJL, and 2 percent higher than MOS. Also below Joker. All audience would be the same metric almost all other dceu films used because the verified didnt exist then.


And its about more than bringing back characters, since those characters barely resembled what they were in the first film anyway. The entire aesthetic, the music which was modern and had multiple hits on the charts was replaced by boomer rock. The joker/Harley romance was enjoyed by a section of the audience. The over the top violence which really didnt add anything to the film. The films are nothing alike. They tossed the baby out with the bath water.


The point is comparing TSS and venom 2 makes no sense. TSS is a reboot that tossed away everything from the first film and didnt try to build on its box office success. Venom 2 built on the success of venom 1 despite critical reaction. And now venom 2 looks like a hit and TSS was a colossal failure and just hurt the brand even further. 


We can argue about whether if WB had made an actual sequel to SS would it have done well but none of is really know its just an opinion, but TSS certainly didnt do well and I see zero evidence it was some beloved film that helped the brand.


Sony is reaping the rewards of not being ashamed of its first film though.



Edited by Dominic Draper
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44 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:

The all audience score on RT is 77%. That would make it below Shazam, WW, BOP, ZSJL, and 2 percent higher than MOS. Also below Joker. All audience would be the same metric almost all other dceu films used because the verified didnt exist then.


And its about more than bringing back characters, since those characters barely resembled what they were in the first film anyway. The entire aesthetic, the music which was modern and had multiple hits on the charts was replaced by boomer rock. The joker/Harley romance was enjoyed by a section of the audience. The over the top violence which really didnt add anything to the film. The films are nothing alike. They tossed the baby out with the bath water.


The point is comparing TSS and venom 2 makes no sense. TSS is a reboot that tossed away everything from the first film and didnt try to build on its box office success. Venom 2 built on the success of venom 1 despite critical reaction. And now venom 2 looks like a hit and TSS was a colossal failure and just hurt the brand even further. 


We can argue about whether if WB had made an actual sequel to SS would it have done well but none of is really know its just an opinion, but TSS certainly didnt do well and I see zero evidence it was some beloved film that helped the brand.


Sony is reaping the rewards of not being ashamed of its first film though.



how much would Venom have made this weekend if it was on tv for free though? 

you make some good points, but the television factor is what makes the performances of both movies incomparable.  At least to me it does. I’ve kind of bracketed the ‘straight to free tv’ clan to a whole other universe. One which WB are stuck in until the clock strikes midnight at the end of the year. 

Kudos to Sony for seeing the light after what Shang Chi did.  They must be hyped about what Spidey is going to do in two months. 

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12 minutes ago, Dominic Draper said:

The all audience score on RT is 77%. That would make it below Shazam, WW, BOP, ZSJL, and 2 percent higher than MOS. Also below Joker. All audience would be the same metric almost all other dceu films used because the verified didnt exist then.


And its about more than bringing back characters, since those characters barely resembled what they were in the first film anyway. The entire aesthetic, the music which was modern and had multiple hits on the charts was replaced by boomer rock. The joker/Harley romance was enjoyed by a section of the audience. The over the top violence which really didnt add anything to the film. The films are nothing alike. They tossed the baby out with the bath water.


The point is comparing TSS and venom 2 makes no sense. TSS is a reboot that tossed away everything from the first film and didnt try to build on its box office success. Venom 2 built on the success of venom 1 despite critical reaction. And now venom 2 looks like a hit and TSS was a colossal failure and just hurt the brand even further. 


We can argue about whether if WB had made an actual sequel to SS would it have done well but none of is really know its just an opinion, but TSS certainly didnt do well and I see zero evidence it was some beloved film that helped the brand.


Sony is reaping the rewards of not being ashamed of its first film though.




TSS is their 3rd highest rated film on IMDB which has 10-20 times the sample pool of audience reviews as Rotten tomatoes. TSS is higher rated than both BOP and SS on all metrics, even RT's audience score despite your claim. No-one's saying TSS is some beloved film, it was just better received than their other 2 attempts and has left a better impression. We already saw the damage SS did to BOP, now we've seen the damage SS, BOP, Covid and same day streaming has done to TSS. 


And don't get me started on the music in that film. It was just random songs playing scene after scene trying to disguise their shitty plot. The film wanted to be GOTG so bad that it made sense to just hire the guy. And the Harley/Joker romance? Who wanted more of that? Who are these people? I think we can safely say Leto's Joker was despised, the guy even took a break from social media after.


But yeah I don't think TSS and Venom are similar at all, the reception to their first outings were far too different from each other, one made us want to see more whereas the other didn't

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13 minutes ago, Chicago said:


And the Harley/Joker romance? Who wanted more of that? Who are these people?


I'm really going to hone in on this because this is what betrays the issue here somewhat. Who wanted more of that? LOADS OF PEOPLE. Women (demographically speaking, don't want to stereotype but it's true), edgy teens, young people figuring out the whole romance thing, people who have a strange attraction to toxic relationships, people who are into fashion/style/aesthetics and just love the whole imagery of the thing. Oh and anyone who's into the Joker, if the alternative is Joker being removed from the film.


So not you. Certainly not me. But among cinemas many recent lessons in the last ten years is that edgy toxic relationships make $$, and edgy toxic relationships featuring the single most established box office draw in cinema history (consider the average BO of films featuring him even just against the Batman films that don't) make $$$$$$$$$$$$$.


There's a reasonable thesis statement here about Venom embracing its success, keeping the things people loved and just quietly and without fuss putting the first film's flaws in a draw. They aren't totally comparable, no, because SS did hurt its brand more and despite being of questionable quality Venom was much loved. But there's a lot to fine parallels in.


The Minions movie was almost historic level garbage, but it made a ton of money and if you were in charge of the Minions sequel you wouldn't publicly disown the first one, change the tone, hire a Pixar director and trumpet the fact, and make it clear that there would be fewer Minions in the next movie and they'd be less obsessed with bananas. You'd just make a better Minions movie. And that's what Venom did. Then the people who loved it first up seem to like this one just as much and the people who didn't like the first one are pleasantly surprised.

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9 minutes ago, RobrtmanAStarWarsReference said:

Suicide Squad is one of the most hated blockbusters in recent memory. No shit they'd try and go as far away from that as possible.

The fact that people are arguing against this point is hilarious. I liked the first Suicide squad but almost everyone I know who watched it hated it, this whole forum hated it, the internet hated it, the general audience hated it. There’s a reason the new SS opened to what it did but honestly I don’t even care to discuss it anymore. People can have their opinions.


Back on topic, I’m happy to see Venom doing well, I liked the first one (seeing this one next week)and I’m excited for the other Sony spiderverse movies also. 



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19 minutes ago, cax16 said:

The fact that people are arguing against this point is hilarious. I liked the first Suicide squad but almost everyone I know who watched it hated it, this whole forum hated it, the internet hated it, the general audience hated it. There’s a reason the new SS opened to what it did but honestly I don’t even care to discuss it anymore. People can have their opinions.


Back on topic, I’m happy to see Venom doing well, I liked the first one (seeing this one next week)and I’m excited for the other Sony spiderverse movies also. 



If everybody hated it it would have cratered at the box office after the first weekend It didnt. It had  a healthy run and made almost as much as gotg without China. It would have got an F cinemascore. It wouldn't be popular with cosplay to this very day. It wouldnt have spawned a soundtrack that was insanely popular. I see quotes from SS in random tik toks that go viral almost every other day. Especially the Joker/Harley stuff. Hell I just saw some girl go viral cos playing as Leto joker. Hell when Snyder unveiled Leto in ZSJL that generated a ton of discussion online and it wasnt all hate.


The idea that nobody enjoyed SS is just false. People enjoyed it, whether in a it's so bad its good way or not. Hell even if someone is hate watching it, that's better for the studio than complete and utter indifference.

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Why did The Suicide Squad fail so badly? Only $55m 😮

Venom 2 making more in its OW than Suicide Squad did in its whole run? Despite suicide squad being sequel to a 300m movie. WTF happened there?


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59 minutes ago, Chicago said:


TSS is their 3rd highest rated film on IMDB which has 10-20 times the sample pool of audience reviews as Rotten tomatoes. TSS is higher rated than both BOP and SS on all metrics, even RT's audience score despite your claim. No-one's saying TSS is some beloved film, it was just better received than their other 2 attempts and has left a better impression. We already saw the damage SS did to BOP, now we've seen the damage SS, BOP, Covid and same day streaming has done to TSS. 


And don't get me started on the music in that film. It was just random songs playing scene after scene trying to disguise their shitty plot. The film wanted to be GOTG so bad that it made sense to just hire the guy. And the Harley/Joker romance? Who wanted more of that? Who are these people? I think we can safely say Leto's Joker was despised, the guy even took a break from social media after.


But yeah I don't think TSS and Venom are similar at all, the reception to their first outings were far too different from each other, one made us want to see more whereas the other didn't

Or, maybe BOP and TSS suffered because they ripped Harley away from Joker and people arent interested in Harley like that and the films just werent appealing on their own. Maybe, the films failed because of the films themselves. 


It's not like WW or Aquaman suffered from being in BVS or JL. 


Instead of blaming everything else, maybe it's just that WB panicked and instead of working with what they had they ignored the reasons the films were popular in the first place and now theyve had 3 box office duds in a row to show for it.


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