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BLACK PANTHER WEEKEND THREAD | Current Estimates - 202.4M 3-day / 242.6M 4-day | Record 40.167 Monday; more than TFA!

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11 minutes ago, captainwondyful said:


LIES.  (Know what's even sexier? Him and Evans TOGETHER :wub:)


I am SO READY for a Sam Wilson Captain America.  I'm just so excited that there's NO EXCUSE NOW to give Bucky that shield, which was the BIG fear of mine since CACW end.



Does Feige need an excuse to give the shield to Bucky? Bucky took the mantle in the comics before Sam Wilson did. I personally preferred the Winter Soldier's ascension to Captain America in the comics to Sam's. Fighting in a war alongside Steve, thought dead for decades but instead suffering an even worse fate - turning against everything he'd fought for... and still becoming the ultimate American hero. All of that still fits in the MCU.  The movies' Sam Wilson just doesn't have that interesting of a back-story where his rise to becoming CA would be all that amazing.


That being said, I'd be OK if they go with Sam-as-Cap. I love Anthony Mackie in the role, even though he's quite a bit different from the more serious Sam in the comics. Seeing him as Cap would be fun, but it would be more of a triumph for movie-Bucky.  We'll see how Barnes behaves in IW, which will be the first movie we've seen "Good Bucky" in from start to finish since CA:TFA; I'm sure there will be clues if he's headed toward becoming Cap.


It's an interesting debate, because really it should come down to who (most believably) would movie-Steve *want* to take up the mantle when he's gone. An argument could be made for both. Steve obviously trusts Sam with his life at this point, definitely more than anyone who is still alive at this point. But he gave up nearly everything out of loyalty to Bucky in Civil War. And I loved the dynamic between Sam and Bucky in CW; they could continue to make a formidable duo if/when one of them takes up the shield.

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38 minutes ago, captainwondyful said:


There's also a better than good chance that Disney could take 4 of the 5, hell even 5 of the 5, Top DOM of 2018.  That's just stupid ridiculous.  Insane.

Is it insane? They already had 4/5 in 2016.

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3 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

No one can ensure any movie makes more than any other. Sony never could've predicted Jumanji making more than all their Spiderman movies. Breakouts inherently unpredictable.


A Black Panther movie in 2011 probably wouldn't have made half a dent. Sometimes you just get a perfect storm.

Yeah, I can’t imagine Disney/Marvel expected $200m 3-day. They’re ecstatic for it, but they couldn’t have predicted this. But they did all the right things. Hired and gave Coogler more freedom and money than their solo movies typically get, marketed the movie like crazy, had the best movie premiere I’ve ever seen (just watching that premiere, you felt that the movie would be something special), and let the world do the rest. That’s where all the fundraising, group viewings, think pieces, word of mouth, etc. come into play. Splendid work all around. And perfect timing too. 

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4 minutes ago, Deja23 said:

Yeah, I can’t imagine Disney/Marvel expected $200m 3-day. They’re ecstatic for it, but they couldn’t have predicted this. But they did all the right things. Hired and gave Coogler more freedom and money than their solo movies typically get, marketed the movie like crazy, had the best movie premiere I’ve ever seen (just watching that premiere, you felt that the movie would be something special), and let the world do the rest. That’s where all the fundraising, group viewings, think pieces, word of mouth, etc. come into play. Splendid work all around. And perfect timing too. 

Yeah I really don't know if this movie could've been made this well back when Marvel was in its infancy. not only cause of Perlmutter being racist but the purse strings were extremely tight for these movies before Avengers came out and blew the top off.

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19 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

When will Disney's reign let up?

Not until at least 2020 since they have huge movies coming next year. But now with the acquisition of Fox and X-men, F4 coming to MCU and Avatar coming to Disney I doubt their reign will be over anytime soon

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