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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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5 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

I wonder if Lucas could have possibly known these throwaway backstories he came up with in about half an hour for all these characters in the 70s would form the basis of a slew of tentpole films 40 years later.



I was wondering about Han Solo's throwaway line about "gundark" and started a snarky post about needing a "gundark origin story"...Then I learnt on wookiepedia that Star Wars Clone Wars had a whole episode centered around that.


Star Wars, the only franchise where every single throwaway line wrote by Lucas has been turned into a piece of entertainment.

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BP is a proof that audience score cannot be rigged to negative or even close to negative if regular people loved the movie, since they are majority. TLJ and Solo are what happens when regular audience's dislike lines up with trolls. They may not have the same reasons for dislike but they still dislike the movie enough to give it a negative review and Skip recommendation. Therefore, LF should stop explaining the discontent with SW only as the work of extreme elements. It's a mainstream thing now. OS rejection of the brand is real, are they all alt-right? Please. There are reasons why these movies are connecting less and less and it isn't just "trolls threatened by strong women" or whatever JJ said, which doesn't sound like he learned anything from TLJ clusterfuck.

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1 minute ago, Valonqar said:

BP is a proof that audience score cannot be rigged to negative or even close to negative if regular people loved the movie, since they are majority. TLJ and Solo are what happens when regular audience's dislike lines up with trolls. They may not have the same reasons for dislike but they still dislike the movie enough to give it a negative review and Skip recommendation. Therefore, LF should stop explaining the discontent with SW only as the work of extreme elements. It's a mainstream thing now. OS rejection of the brand is real, are they all alt-right? Please. There are reasons why these movies are connecting less and less and it isn't just "trolls threatened by strong women" or whatever JJ said, which doesn't sound like he learned anything from TLJ clusterfuck.

Are you kidding? Look at the reviews. Most claim to haven't even seen the movie and say that they would give it less than a star if they could. That system is fucked.

The film got a full applause at my full Dolby showing last night. So tired of this fanbase. 

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3 hours ago, Jim Shorts said:

Lol, as I was walking to the theater last night with my Star Wars shirt on, a group of teens walking in the other direction said “is there another Star Wars Movie coming out?”. 



My nephew just gave me back the giant Falcon and Slave 1 after TLJ. He said Star Wars isn't cool anymore.


Disney f'ed the pooch.

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2 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

Are you kidding? Look at the reviews. Most claim to haven't even seen the movie and say that they would give it less than a star if they could. That system is fucked.

The film got a full applause at my full Dolby showing last night. So tired of this fanbase. 

Anecdotal evidence that does not reflect how majority feels about the movie. Also, considering reports of empty or half-empty theaters, doubtful many regulars will come to Solo aid on RT cause they don't even care to see it.

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This movie just looked uncool. Han Solo is supposed to be cool. After the "putting together a crew" line Han should have said "gang, gang, gang, eskeeeeit." Now that's cool. Woulda added 50 mill to the opening weekend alone.

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18 minutes ago, sabrecmc said:

My 12-year old said she really loved it.  I enjoyed it, too, but I do think she liked it more.  She liked Quira a lot.  Says she wants to be her for Halloween.


It's the cape.

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Just now, Cmasterclay said:

This movie just looked uncool. Han Solo is supposed to be cool. After the "putting together a crew" line Han should have said "gang, gang, gang, eskeeeeit." Now that's cool. Woulda added 50 mill to the opening weekend alone.

Lil Pump did it last week, and he'd do again.



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The next few years are going to be fun at Disney. Star Wars in disarray, Marvel starting its inevitable slide down.


They'd better hope "live action" (that isn't live action) versions of animated movies hold steady. 

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Just now, harrycaul said:

The next few years are going to be fun at Disney. Star Wars in disarray, Marvel starting its inevitable slide down.


They'd better hope "live action" (that isn't live action) versions of animated movies hold steady. 


1 Black Panther BV $698,070,288 4,084 $202,003,951 4,020 2/16 -
2 Avengers: Infinity War BV $603,283,178 4,474 $257,698,183 4,474 4/27 -




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3 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

Personally I don't really use audience scores for anything but to each their own.

Same here. The audience score is not anything I truly see as a fair sampling of the public. It's clearly become weaponized by individuals who need to "punish" things they don't like. It's hard for me to see it any other way. If we look at Solo, it already has nearly 18,000 votes from Thursday previews alone! Deadpool 2 has been out a week and has amassed 21,000? Yeah, somethings off. I doubt 17,000 people got up this morning and voted on Solo just for the heck of it. Clearly motive was involved here. 


Even the critical score is becoming suspect because Rotten Tomatoes manipulates what people see, when they see it, and trickles in reviews to keep people checking back to entice high traffic to their website. The whole thing just feels disingenuous. So even the fundamentals of what it was meant to offer the public is getting compromised. 

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2 minutes ago, harrycaul said:

The next few years are going to be fun at Disney. Star Wars in disarray, Marvel starting its inevitable slide down.


They'd better hope "live action" (that isn't live action) versions of animated movies hold steady. 


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1 minute ago, Valonqar said:

Anecdotal evidence that does not reflect how majority feels about the movie. Also, considering reports of empty or half-empty theaters, doubtful many regulars will come to Solo aid on RT cause they don't even care to see it.

Never said the reports about empty theaters were false but the RT score is rigged due to certain fans wanting Kathleen Kennedy gone. They are doing everything they can to destroy this movie and it doesn't deserve it.

I love Star Wars and walked out of it feeling pretty happy....then I got online. You can't win. Take risks - get bashed. Play it safe - get bashed. This film was doomed the moment TLJ had 1,000,000 videos created about it. 

Here's just a quick 2 minute glace at flixster reviews showing how rigged this is.
One star - Will not give Disney my money after the abomination that is TLJ
1/2 star - Worst star wars movie.
One star - This movie is not the Star Wars we are looking for
Two stars - What is the status of Disneys investigation into the ripped off artwork style?
One and a half star - No movie is perfect, so those people giving it 5/5 stars are either Russian bots, paid shills, or cult-like fan boys who are simply unwilling to see it's flaws!
1/2 star - Another terrible entry in the Disney-era star wars, The only good one was rogue one. if this continues, disney will effectively destroy the franchise, more than george lucas ever could.
1/2 star - Star wars under Kathleen Kennedy has shown a severe lack of creativity and competence thus leading a long time fan such as myself to finally give up on this dead franchise

I'm going to stop there because those are all recent and back to back. This shit is killing the franchise not Kathleen Kennedy. It's so toxic that no one who isn't invested in Star Wars wants near it. 

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1 minute ago, harrycaul said:

The next few years are going to be fun at Disney. Star Wars in disarray, Marvel starting its inevitable slide down.


They'd better hope "live action" (that isn't live action) versions of animated movies hold steady. 




People have been saying that for years now and it still has not happened. With BP, Captain Marvel and perhaps F4 and Xmen Marvel has years and years of tremendous material. 


audiences just gave 3.35 billion dollars to Marvel in a span of 4 months. And its not like Marvel had a movie that dropped 700 million from its tentpole predecessor like SW. MCU’s tentpole increased 600 milliom from its predecessor 

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