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The Wild Eric

THANKSGIVING WEEKEND THREAD | Encanto v Gucci v Resi Evil | Sales available on the first page | We're all gonna die of sadness not COVID

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32 minutes ago, filmnerdjamie said:

I gave Eric a taste of his own medicine. And instead of taking it like a man, he whined to another mod. *Shrugs*


Not exactly shocked. Typical him.


Real mature for a grown ass man to come here and talking about someone not "taking it like a man" when he won't shut up about the mean people on twitters that don't like his movie.


How's that suspension going, btw?

Edited by Deep Wang
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The overeactions started already ,forum never seizes to amaze me.People do realise that its still way too early and even WHO said that it could very well be weeks before more data is found and analysed right ? Like its understable to worry but some of you take it too far....


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36 minutes ago, filmnerdjamie said:

I gave Eric a taste of his own medicine. And instead of taking it like a man, he whined to another mod. *Shrugs*


Not exactly shocked. Typical him.


Criticising in a constructive manner a possible perceived double standard is okay but your second line of words didn't have anything sorts but just personal character attack wrapped in childish name-calling, and I think all or at least most here agree that there's no place for such on this forum.

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1 hour ago, john2000 said:

The overeactions started already ,forum never seizes to amaze me.People do realise that its still way too early and even WHO said that it could very well be weeks before more data is found and analysed right ? Like its understable to worry but some of you take it too far....


THANK YOU. Lol I thought it was just this forum, but I’ve heard people asking why my work (the theater) is still open given Omicron :lol:

Edited by DAJK
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9 minutes ago, DAJK said:

THANK YOU. Lol I thought it was just this forum, but I’ve heard people asking why my work (the theater) is still open given Omicron :lol:

Most people will have forget about it by mon.At least till more official info is publiced

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The concern isn’t that the 2021 movies will be delayed or the effect it’ll have on the domestic box office (OS is another story as Europe could have a massive breakout) but rather the 2022 movies. I’m fully expecting Turning Red to be a Disney+ exclusive yet again 😫😢.


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5 hours ago, titanic2187 said:

Pretty much spot on but I am worry softer thanksgiving drop is at the expenses of meh Fri bumps. That would be terrible since softer Thursday dip itself should be the compensation for meh Wednesday numbers.  

I’m pretty confident we’ll have 100% plus jumps. Fingers crossed. 

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Speaking of 2021 movies affected by Covid, OT, but it is a Disney weekend - I finally got around to watching Black Widow...and I now get why that movie didn't do as well as wanted.


Yes, part of it was Covid fear...yes, part of it was plot timing...but part of it was the movie just bums you out.  It's morose and dark throughout the whole movie, and even the end is more slight relief than joy...


Since I watched both this week, I can say it's objectively better than Shang Chi, and I'd give it a B (ignoring the ending scene)...but I'm not keen to watch it again...whereas I'd be fine watching Shang again...


Just a movie that all around got screwed thanks to Covid...while it didn't have the Winter Soldier's tv issue of having to change plot, I'm sure if they knew we'd live a virtual nightmare for 18 months, they wouldn't have wanted to release this one as the 1st one out...but that's why timing and circumstance matter...




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2 hours ago, Cap said:

@filmnerdjamie has been banned from this thread for being a jerk 💁‍♀️

Just wanna put this out there btw to filmnerdjamie that I didn't "whine to another mod". In fact, I really could care less if you think I'm a little bitch or not. They're just words at the end of the day, and I don't have time to worry about this kind of stuff. However, I will suggest one thing to you: if you don't like me, or the staff, or how I/we run things...why are you here? We aren't the only place on the Internet where you can talk about box office, so why stick around a place where you don't like the way it's run? Seems somewhat counter-productive to me.


Anyways, House of Gucci was good enough. Sadly though, Jared Leto drags everything down as per usual. I really don't know what Ridley was thinking when it comes to him in this movie.

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7 minutes ago, Eric Madrigal said:

if you don't like me, or the staff, or how I/we run things...why are you here? We aren't the only place on the Internet where you can talk about box office, so why stick around a place where you don't like the way it's run? Seems somewhat counter-productive to me.

I know this is an Official Talking Point at this point, but it has always seemed very disingenuous to me. People want to be on BOT because it’s got the best quality of insights and info, there is not a parallel version to go to which is similar-except-laxer-modding. 

This dude was way out of line with unnecessary personal attacks and deserved that ban, but the idea that there are a bunch of other good places to discuss box office online doesn’t really hold up — unless there are sites I don’t know of, in which someone please enlighten me.

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