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36 minutes ago, Eric loves Rey said:

Again, two days of headlines. And a minor difference in numbers won’t make people magically think the movie is an epic failure or whatever 

Of course minor differences will do exactly that..and at this forum in particular.

You might say it's a stupid and silly think to do..and Would 1000% agree with you, it very foolish...but you know people do it all the time.

It is amusing to see people obssess over a couple of million  dollars differencem as if that makes any real diference when hundres of millions are on the line, but they do and they will continue to do so. A couple of million dollars is a huge amount to you and me, but it's like nickel and dimes to the studio.

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13 minutes ago, Fox20 said:

People act as if next movies are all about multiverse, outside maybe and JUST maybe Ant-man, none of the next movies 6 movies are about multiverses, or even the series outside Loki 2.


How do you know this?  There's no way to know quite yet...and if we did, then what would be the point of seeing anything?  But yes, it will all come down to how it "works" with audiences...if it doesn't, elements will be jettisoned.  


22 minutes ago, AdrianL said:

Small PTA drop from last Friday for Everything Everywhere. So happy with its run.


I think Multiverse of Madness is an easier watch the 2nd time around but I still have problems with it. Unfortunately I think I'd place it on the lower tier of my MCU ranking. It's just bizarre because with a better script this really could've been top tier. 


If you're already going to see it a second time since Thursday and you already had problems with it, then I'd say your devotion to Disney+/Marvel already owns your wallet above any concerns about film quality.  


I think No Way Home was a real mixed bag, too...so I only went to see it once.  But that's me.  

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2 minutes ago, Macleod said:


If you're already going to see it a second time since Thursday and you already had problems with it, then I'd say your devotion to Disney+/Marvel already owns your wallet above any concerns about film quality.  


I think No Way Home was a real mixed bag, too...so I only went to see it once.  But that's me.  

Uhhh that's nice? I see a lot of blockbusters multiple times since I have A-List and I see movies with different people. Nothing wrong with me saying I have problems with it. 

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2 hours ago, joe liviig said:

like i said in my OP MCU will be fine in terms of money. iam talking about quality of the product in relations of phase 1 vs phase 4.


just because they are flop proof for the most part doesnt mean giving us rushed and mediocre content in phase 4. This is the mentality in studios that has ruined franchises and sequels


pliz read through my prevoius comment it has nothing to with box office.









To me quality and box office are linked.


If a Star Wars or Avengers sequel drops by 50% there is objectively a quality issue.


The rare exception is maybe Transformers where the franchise doesn't suffer financially due to bad movies until later films.

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MCU will bounce back critical wise along the time with more movies and more stories being connected to create a bigger picture. Now feels like phase 1 all over again. Marvel introduced new heroes, create a completely new story movie by movie and trying new formula/angle to make audience keep interested in 14 years old franchise. Of course, it's understandable if some don't resonate well with audience cause fresh angle and their high expectations following the impressive infinity saga conclusion.


Remember: we're like in phase 1 again! keep your expectations in check and don't have high expectations that all releases will be event films like avengers (heck nwh technically not event film like avengers, just 1 character there spiderman + ds side performance,  just bank on nostalgia with different spideys and villains. So does MoM which is a focused film on just DS and Wanda). Audience also maybe confused and don't understand well with multiverse concept which is I must say confusing especially with an added element from D+ shows. But like I said again, time will make it clear once we've come to the bigger picture of the story so be patience!


As for box office wise, MCU still incredible. No panic at all. SC BW and Et last year maybe feels like disappointment MCU but actually impressive because of hot buzzing pandemic performance especially SC and BW. NWH - no comment on that marvelous run. And DS:MOM about to hit $200M OW and targeting over $1B WW. And they all don't even have China. Plus russia, middle east and some countries like brunei for DSMOM. Just because it's the biggest movie franchise, doesn't mean that every Marvel movie needs to make close to $2B goddamnit like NWH or need to clear $1B otherwise it's flop. And remember again: we're still on the early phase and story. Learn your lesson from 2015-2017 with those baseless rant like "MCU fatigue" "superhero fatigue" "TA is peak MCU" "MCU Will never reach that heights again" before 2018 came. HAVE PATIENCE.






marvel studios fox GIF by Leroy Patterson



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9 hours ago, Illuminegion Confirmed said:

Smart roommate ;)   

The last time I really got to play much was with friends at Stanford, since then it’s been all online. It’s super fun imo, great blend of complexity, interaction, imperfect information, and randomness (the randomness inherent from a shuffled deck, far less explicitly random effects than digital only ccgs). The combat system adds a lot of depth vs Hearthstone style CCGs, as does the mana system. So fun that it really tanked my grades, so waiting for summer probably wise 🤣   

Lmaooo, and you went to Stanford? I guess I now understand why we don't often see eye to eye.


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2 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Lmaooo, and you went to Stanford? I guess I now understand why we don't often see eye to eye.


Are you going to cal or something 👀

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3 hours ago, M37 said:

But DK was also a major confluence of events, with a highly anticipated sequel where also one of the main actors **died** before the release (see also Furious 7). And to top it off, film was brilliant, so WOM brought in even more people after the massive opening weekend (also Batman Begins was a Wed release, made $73M by Sunday)


Yeah, but it is VERY different IMO. It is a lot more difficult to have an increase like that with a true standalone sequel of a trilogy than within a shared universe with a lot of other movies featuring the character to create hype, cameos from a lot of different big characters and the promise of changing the fate of the shared universe. A "fair" game would be a Doctor Strange movie out of the MCU featuring only Doctor Strange lore characters.

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2 hours ago, Nerfy said:

Not to mention the $357m elephant in the room. 

Every time I see that number I have to double check, 100m higher (well 99.2m or so but close enough) than the one year old OW record holder.



Most studios would be happy with their movie doing 200m over the whole run.



2 hours ago, ringedmortality said:


I think the problem with something like Eternals or Multiverse of Madness is that it feels like the Universe is too big now. There's so many moving parts and it's a little exhausting. It feels like expansion for the sake of expansion. I actually like Black Widow because it's self contained, but I guess I'm in the minority of that.


This wouldn't be such a big problem if they just re-tightened their qualifications for "certified critics." Lowering the qualifications ruined them imo.

Yeah and all the TV shows tie in - it's getting gigantic.

And its not really clear where they want to go yet: Phase 2 and 3 clearly lead up all the way to IW and EG. Maybe Phase 5 will lead up to the next big Avengers movie.


I also think they are searching for a lead person - the past 3 phases had Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. This doesn't really have any. Spider-Man might be to young, Doctor Strange is maybe a little too distant and Black Panther is dead. And Starlord or Captain Marvel don't really look like leaders right now at least not in a bigger context.

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I feel like some are putting this up against the best of the MCU, so unfairly. When that’s not been the case with other films that have got an easy pass. 

I’m not going to argue it’s close to top tier. But it’s pretty solid overall. 

For me it’s certainly a superior film to:


Incredible Hulk, Thor, Thor 2, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Eternals, Captain Marvel, Guardians 2, Ultron, Black Widow. 

Easily mid-tier and about as good as Ant-Man, Ant-Man 2, the first Strange. 

It’s got problems. But nowhere near the problems nine or ten of them have. 

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2 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

I feel like some are putting this up against the best of the MCU, so unfairly. When that’s not been the case with other films that have got an easy pass. 

I’m not going to argue it’s close to top tier. But it’s pretty solid overall. 

For me it’s certainly a superior film to:


Incredible Hulk, Thor, Thor 2, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Eternals, Captain Marvel, Guardians 2, Ultron, Black Widow. 

Easily mid-tier and about as good as Ant-Man, Ant-Man 2, the first Strange. 

It’s got problems. But nowhere near the problems nine or ten of them have. 

My expectation for every solo MCU movie is basically that it'll be about median MCU quality. For me this was bottom tier, probably my least favorite of them.

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