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INFINITY WAR WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals ~ 257.698M OW (RECORD) | 106.334M Friday, 82.131M Saturday (RECORD), 69.231M Sunday (RECORD) | 640.9M Worldwide Opening (RECORD) | Read the Rules on the First Post | SALE NOW LIVE

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6 hours ago, lancelot123 said:

I'm a huge Star Wars fan. TLJ is my favorite episode. They took the best parts of SW and added a dash of Marvel. I don't see how SW9 can top it. People didn't like Empire Strikes Back at first either as you can see with its drop in box office. Ep4 (307m) > Ep5 (209m) > Ep6 (252m) for original runs.

What are the odds of BP hitting 700m? I'm thinking unlikely considering "Digital copies will be available from May 8, with Blu-ray and DVD releases on May 15."

I suppose I'm just the kind of person who doesn't like the rewriting of characters for the sole purpose of money. 

I may not be a SW fan, but I did like the original one in terms of world-building and telling a good story. The sequels weren't great but they were not offensive. 

The prequel trilogy, especially ROTS were insulting, but I felt the revisionism around ROTS was because SW fans needed to like it so that their franchise was not a total write-off. Now this new trilogy seems to be mining the same crap source as creativity. SW is such a strong brand, they could have created something better from scratch instead of condemning beloved characters to idiotic fates. Kylo Ren's entire existence is ridiculous.

3 hours ago, PPZVGOS said:

Really? It's amazing how many knowledgeable people underestimated AIW's potential.


I was one of the very few to claim that AIW could beat TFA OW record months ago. How can I find my old posts btw? 

Really? I predicted $250m for this. Even if it didn't make that mark, it was definitely going to challenge the OW record. It's not "just another sequel". In fact, I'd argue that if the marketing doesn't sell Avengers 4 right, it will open to less than this, simply because there will be a portion of the GA who expected a finale and will not want to be dicked around if Avengers 4 prolongs it yet again. 

3 hours ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

People were being gun shy after Ultron and Civil War. Glad this puts to rest that audiences saw Civil War as an Avengers film.

Ultron disappointed, but Civil War was one of the most pointless additions to the MCU.

3 hours ago, Mekanos said:

I think what also makes this stand out from Civil War is that the big new additions in that movie (Black Panther and Spider-Man) actually have movies of their own now, which furthers the hype of seeing them cross over (again). Not like people were lining up to see Ant-Man get in on the crossover action. Plus Spider-Man was all over the marketing this time around. Add in Guardians and Strange and it's just a monster.

Uh, the difference is that Civil War was a pointless detour and Infinity War was what was supposed to be the finale we've been waiting for since Iron Man came out.

3 hours ago, Damianport1 said:

No they didn't. Black Panther is better and also more important movie. It really something more than just superhero film. Infinity War outside of Thanos who is complex and interesting character, is really just another loud product

Black Panther was good, but this argument is reminiscent of the same ones that are used to defend sub-par superhero outings. 

2 hours ago, AJ2k said:


Yeah, speaking for myself it'll be tough because the nostalgia factor for the old-heads is pretty much gone with Luke dead, Han dead, Leia doing nothing of importance in the last film and Carrie Fisher is gone so you know there isn't much they can do with her character beyond TLJ.  They really blew it there. I'm one of those guys that will go see a movie I love in theaters 4-5 times lol. I've already seen IW three times. I saw TLJ only once which has never happened for any Star Wars movie.  The new characters bore the shit out of me so I'm no longer even hyped for EP IX and I wouldn't be surprised if there are many that feel the same way I do.

Disney/Lucasfilm hamstrung their new cast by slavishly pandering to nostalgia by adding in the OT characters whose stories should have been preserved as they were. It's a grave they dug on their own. 

2 hours ago, Thrylos 7 said:

The big issue for me is how uninteresting and devoid of any charisma the new actors in this sw trilogy are. Hell, I congratulate the franchise for having the power to get these bo results with such banal young stars. Benicio del toro seemed like Cary grant , in terms of charisma, compared to the young stars of new sw trilogy. Compare this to IW where everyone is oozing charisma , from the actors to the cgi creations. No wonder TLJ lost almost half of TFA worldwide box office.


Anyway since we are talking about future films I actually believe that cjohn’s 300 million ow wont be such a ridiculous thing for avengers 4.

TFA was a phenomenon only because of the brand and how big it was. But, I feel that a lot of people didn't return not because TLJ sucked (OWs are around the same ballpark) but because TFA just isn't that good. It's a pandering remake and didn't have enough to turn non-fans into fans. I have no interest in the rest of this SW franchise and irrelevant offerings like Rogue One and Solo does not help the cause. 

1 hour ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Actually I think Avengers 4 could have a shot at breaking this.... though I doubt it, since IW was definitely positioned to blow up thanks to its 10 year buildup and the fresh meetings of all of these characters (Avengers/GOTG/Wakandians/Strange/Spidey). But on the other hand, I really do feel like the interest for A4 will be monumental based on how IW plays out. So who knows.

I think Avengers 4 will be hurt by the fact that a good portion of the GA was expecting this to be the finale. They may not have watched all the intervening films, but thought this was the end. It wasn't, and I'm sure some will look at the next one and think, is this for real or are they fucking us about? 

I don't care because I enjoyed the hell out of IW, but marketing has to convince people that it really is the end. 

1 hour ago, somebody85 said:

I kind of agree but stranger things have happened and JJ is probably going to really amp up the first teaser for this one. If it offers nothing new, everything's hidden in the marketing again aka mystery box writing and Luke isn't back in a big role....no way. But even if it surprises everyone and looks amazing, I still think there's only a super slight chance.

TFA had EVERYTHING going for it. The hype going into that thing was immeasurable and that was with Luke, Han, Leia and not knowing what their roles would be.

This won't have that and I dunno what SW film in the future could come close to the anticipation of TFA now that those characters are gone.

If Han and Luke were still alive, I'd say it has a chance but they blew that by killing them off.

I don't think it has a chance. Especially if Marvel/Disney get Avengers 4 marketing right. 

What are the stakes in the current SW franchise anyway? I don't think TFA/TLJ did enough to get enough non-fans to care to be able to break records. 

SW needs to build up a strong universe and give the "Avengers" finale some real stakes.

1 hour ago, somebody85 said:

That's the thing though. Outside of Rey and Kylo, I don't think the new cast has had anywhere close to the cultural impact of the original 3. TLJ was all marketed around Luke. He was the main draw as seen by all the posters. Rey was a big part as well but that was Lukes movie and TFA was Hans. "Chewie we're home" - that was the big selling point.

Now they just have Rey vs Kylo which we've already seen. Maybe Lucasfilms still has some tricks up it's sleeves. I hope so.

That is their fault for going for the short term boost of Han/Leia/Luke. 

If they'd gone fully "original", it would've taken time to build up, but it would have paid off in the long term. Now, many people are ambivalent to this franchise because it's really not very good for non-fans.

1 hour ago, LaughingEvans said:


Pretty sure he read the script outline and went "Just kill me off"

Good for him. Don't reward such dumb creative decisions.

58 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

Oh I know. It just seems like they could have handled those characters so much better than they did. I really think keeping Luke out of TFA until the final frame was a mistake. 

And as far as the backstory of Luke, Han, etc. they've now written themselves into a corner and can't really go back and make films about what happened in that time period between ROTJ and TFA because it was supposed to be peaceful. So now, it all relies on the new cast and I don't see them alone pulling these insane OW numbers.

Like I've said a lot, I liked TLJ but I still see no reason why Luke had to die at the end.

Would you have preferred if the old characters never came back? Did you really need to see them? 

For example, I was excited for "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" and then it came out, and it wasn't even Rowling who wrote it, and it was a piece of shit of a play and it should have never been written.

59 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

Hard to imagine this not having better legs than CW at this point. Yes the OW is much higher, but the way it's being talked about is much more akin to the excitement of TA than CW.

Also because CW was pointless. I get some people may like it, but really, it is the definition of a filler episode or song in a series/album. No stakes whatsoever and no impact on the overall plot.

56 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Yeah, this has gone past being just another MCU movie to becoming a cultural phenomenon.

Eh. It's not a cultural phenomenon. The only MCU films that can be considered that would be Iron Man, the Avengers and Black Panther. 

This is the build-up of years of hard work. You should have expected it to make bank.

56 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

Am I the only person left on the internet who didn't hate TLJ? And did I not hate it precisely because I don't much care for Star Wars in general, so it felt like it was made for me?

I didn't hate it. It was in the ballpark of normal CGI Hollywood fests. 

53 minutes ago, GirafficPark said:

No I liked it, but I feel like the only one that hates TFA with an intense passion.

I don't hate it with a passion, but it is laughable that it's so highly praised and is the top grossing film when it's such a soulless piece of work with zero creativity/originality.

36 minutes ago, Firepower said:

Episode 9 will probably decrease even more unless Abrams will pull off a miracle and create a masterpiece. TLJ did a big damage to the franchise and Episode 9 particularly.

What can he do to raise the stakes though?

35 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

I didn't hate TFA, and I felt it was quite a decent restart for the franchise, and it skillfully managed the old memory with new element.


That scene of BB8 and R2D2 completed the map altogether was so heartfelt, and it's a movie about the old generation introduced the mysteries of the new generation.


While TLJ on the other hand, pissed me off to the core, never I had this super disutility after coming out from theater and was so passionate to bash around. It's an ultimate humiliation and i won't be just as other fan boys, accepting whatever dumb bullshit from empowered studio.         

Uh...if anything you've already accepted the dumb bullshit by accepting TFA. Why all the hate on TLJ when it's tied down by the sins of TFA?

20 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

I sound like a broken record but I never understood the attitude of many people towards IW ever since the first trailer was released. Entering this forum was like entering a different reality to everywhere else, this thing had this gigantic hype and here I was mostly reading people talking about what a non-event this, how it has no buzz e.t.c e.t.c. 


Now I see people everywhere going crazy over this film and still read about how it will have bad legs because “kids were crying” or whatever else people can come up with. Honestly reading reactions everywhere else, I  can’t find a single reason why this won’t have very good legs, even freakin deadpool2 (which won’t hurt IW much anyway) comes out in IW FOURTH weekend. Thanos seems to becoming a part of pop culture around the world overnight and I still read here about bad legs, whatever.....

I don't think it will have terrible legs, but I feel that there is a ceiling for the MCU and it is under Black Panther. It will be huge, make over $600m+ but I'm not convinced it is a phenomenon bringing it people who would've never watched it.

10 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

On another note, anyone else who thinks Infinity War has the best MCU soundtrack? Like, the stuff from the GOTG movies is very good and movies like Thor: Ragnarok or Iron Man also had solid music, but Silvestri really nailed this one.

Agree with this. Not often a score captures your attention but this was wonderful. Really complemented the movie.

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Just now, Deep Wang said:

Everyone fucking bitches when studios "fudge" the Sunday estimates(which isn't fudging at all).


Now everyone is bitching because they aren't "fudging" the Sunday estimate!


Never change BOT


except they are kind of "fudging" it, just the other way this time lol

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8 minutes ago, jjack339 said:

yes, but by how much 1-2 million?? Hardly enough to say that TFA did not reach max output for 2014. My simple point is not detract from either movie but offer the possibility that both movies are pretty much maxing out possibilities in their own given time. 

TFA true FSS adjusted to $202M

Assuming IW makes $255M OW, that's $216M true FSS -> $14M higher than TFA

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Just now, TalismanRing said:

It's funny, only Variety so far is reporting that as the Disney number.  None of the B.O. sites have posted yet, even on twitter


Or maybe they just refuse to post fake news. :lol:

They're revising the estimate because the money is pouring into the offices too fast, clearly.

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16 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

If it's 245 they're calling for $57m Friday and a 30%+ drop.    There's safe and then there's ridiculous.

Deadline is projecting around 248-250m.  They could be lowballing too (and they’re also inconsistent), that’s definitely in a range where I could see Disney holding off on calling a record until it’s confirmed

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6 hours ago, Rumpot said:

This will be pushing 500M domestic by end of next weekend and I'll say again - TFA domestic total is not safe, and the number of people realizing that will increase as the weeks pass.  I'm not saying it's at all likely to pass it, but most people think it'd laughable right now - and that will change 



Avatar?  Maybe.

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Only Variety is reporting that figure so probably not final estimates.


But whoever handling Disney BO reporting lately seems to have fetish for lowballing Sunday numbers lol.


Just look at Black Panther’s Sunday drops estimates for like the last 4 weeks. You’d think they learn to stop underestimate after the second/third time.

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7 minutes ago, BK007 said:

I suppose I'm just the kind of person who doesn't like the rewriting of characters for the sole purpose of money. 

I may not be a SW fan, but I did like the original one in terms of world-building and telling a good story. The sequels weren't great but they were not offensive. 

The prequel trilogy, especially ROTS were insulting, but I felt the revisionism around ROTS was because SW fans needed to like it so that their franchise was not a total write-off. Now this new trilogy seems to be mining the same crap source as creativity. SW is such a strong brand, they could have created something better from scratch instead of condemning beloved characters to idiotic fates. Kylo Ren's entire existence is ridiculous.

Really? I predicted $250m for this. Even if it didn't make that mark, it was definitely going to challenge the OW record. It's not "just another sequel". In fact, I'd argue that if the marketing doesn't sell Avengers 4 right, it will open to less than this, simply because there will be a portion of the GA who expected a finale and will not want to be dicked around if Avengers 4 prolongs it yet again. 

Ultron disappointed, but Civil War was one of the most pointless additions to the MCU.

Uh, the difference is that Civil War was a pointless detour and Infinity War was what was supposed to be the finale we've been waiting for since Iron Man came out.

Black Panther was good, but this argument is reminiscent of the same ones that are used to defend sub-par superhero outings. 

Disney/Lucasfilm hamstrung their new cast by slavishly pandering to nostalgia by adding in the OT characters whose stories should have been preserved as they were. It's a grave they dug on their own. 

TFA was a phenomenon only because of the brand and how big it was. But, I feel that a lot of people didn't return not because TLJ sucked (OWs are around the same ballpark) but because TFA just isn't that good. It's a pandering remake and didn't have enough to turn non-fans into fans. I have no interest in the rest of this SW franchise and irrelevant offerings like Rogue One and Solo does not help the cause. 

I think Avengers 4 will be hurt by the fact that a good portion of the GA was expecting this to be the finale. They may not have watched all the intervening films, but thought this was the end. It wasn't, and I'm sure some will look at the next one and think, is this for real or are they fucking us about? 

I don't care because I enjoyed the hell out of IW, but marketing has to convince people that it really is the end. 

I don't think it has a chance. Especially if Marvel/Disney get Avengers 4 marketing right. 

What are the stakes in the current SW franchise anyway? I don't think TFA/TLJ did enough to get enough non-fans to care to be able to break records. 

SW needs to build up a strong universe and give the "Avengers" finale some real stakes.

That is their fault for going for the short term boost of Han/Leia/Luke. 

If they'd gone fully "original", it would've taken time to build up, but it would have paid off in the long term. Now, many people are ambivalent to this franchise because it's really not very good for non-fans.

Good for him. Don't reward such dumb creative decisions.

Would you have preferred if the old characters never came back? Did you really need to see them? 

For example, I was excited for "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" and then it came out, and it wasn't even Rowling who wrote it, and it was a piece of shit of a play and it should have never been written.

Also because CW was pointless. I get some people may like it, but really, it is the definition of a filler episode or song in a series/album. No stakes whatsoever and no impact on the overall plot.

Eh. It's not a cultural phenomenon. The only MCU films that can be considered that would be Iron Man, the Avengers and Black Panther. 

This is the build-up of years of hard work. You should have expected it to make bank.

I didn't hate it. It was in the ballpark of normal CGI Hollywood fests. 

I don't hate it with a passion, but it is laughable that it's so highly praised and is the top grossing film when it's such a soulless piece of work with zero creativity/originality.

What can he do to raise the stakes though?

Uh...if anything you've already accepted the dumb bullshit by accepting TFA. Why all the hate on TLJ when it's tied down by the sins of TFA?

I don't think it will have terrible legs, but I feel that there is a ceiling for the MCU and it is under Black Panther. It will be huge, make over $600m+ but I'm not convinced it is a phenomenon bringing it people who would've never watched it.

Agree with this. Not often a score captures your attention but this was wonderful. Really complemented the movie.


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Just now, Mr Impossible said:

Avatar domestically is not happening. I still don’t think 2.5x is locked. Civil War has a better reception and that didn’t manage it...



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3 minutes ago, Mr Impossible said:

Avatar domestically is not happening. I still don’t think 2.5x is locked. Civil War has a better reception and that didn’t manage it...

IW appears to have a much better reception than CW. Maybe not critically, but in terms of the fans and GA, it sure looks like it.


I see no reason why it would go below a 2.5. These mega openers always have excess demand that doesn't get filled OW. Plus this seems prime for a lot of repeat viewings.

Edited by Jayhawk
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