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The Flash | June 16 2023 | Ezra Miller, Michael Keaton | We’re stoping the count at a Nice 69% RT (it’s 72% For Real) | Please Remember that Your Enjoyment Of The Film is Not Based On Others Opinions And To Be Nice To Each Other

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two sources who confirmed seeing children there with their mother describe it as a chaotic environment that is unsafe for children. Video footage from April reviewed by Rolling Stone appears to show at least eight assault weapons, rifles, and handguns lying around the living room, with some weapons propped up next to a pile of stuffed animals.

The two sources also alleged that there has been frequent and heavy marijuana use in front of the children, with little concern about proper ventilation. Rolling Stone has also learned that there is a sizable cannabis farm on Miller’s property, with Miller’s close friend and purported “handyman” Whitney Suters claiming on social media that the two were running a cannabis company called Rebel Alliance Cannabis.



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Holy hell! So, there are guns laying around next to stuffed animals. The weed doesn't bother me that much unless they are using hard drugs in front of kids. Still though, really shouldn't be smoking weed in front of minors. 


What the hell will we find out next week?

Edited by CloneWars
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41 minutes ago, CloneWars said:

Holy hell! So, there are guns laying around next to stuffed animals. The weed doesn't bother me that much unless they are using hard drugs in front of kids. Still though, really shouldn't be smoking weed in front of minors. 


What the hell will we find out next week?




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1 hour ago, IceFire9yt said:

I'm beginning to suspect that around 2013 someone at DC wished upon a monkey's paw for the DCEU to make cinematic history.   At this point, it just feels like the DCEU is cursed and needs to be purged by fire.

Yeah something about this franchise has felt jinxed from the start. 

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58 minutes ago, grim22 said:





This whole part about guns feels so exaggerated. The article don't even provide sources for what they are claiming, and let me guess, this is probably her husband creating lies trying to get the kids back by using the mess of Ezra's life right now. He contacted the local police and even they went to the farm and said the kids "looked good".


Ezra basically offered help to a victim of domestic violence and let her stay at the farm with her children and she is the only person who is there with them. And her words:



But the mother who, like the father, Rolling Stone is not naming, claims that Miller had helped her escape from a “violent and abusive ex,” and Miller “helped me finally … have a safe environment for my three very young children.”


“[Ezra’s] home ranch has been a healing haven for us,” she tells Rolling Stone. “They may have firearms for self-defense purposes and they are stored in a part of the house that the children never go in… My kids are able to relax more into their healing because of the safety and nurturing Ezra has been providing for them.”


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7 hours ago, belblazer said:


This whole part about guns feels so exaggerated. The article don't even provide sources for what they are claiming, and let me guess, this is probably her husband creating lies trying to get the kids back by using the mess of Ezra's life right now. He contacted the local police and even they went to the farm and said the kids "looked good".


Ezra basically offered help to a victim of domestic violence and let her stay at the farm with her children and she is the only person who is there with them. And her words:




The author of that Rolling Stone article also did that dangerously heinous article where they had "exclusive footage" that would prove the DaBaby actually murdered the guys that attacked him inside WalMart. The footage turned out to be CCTV recordings from the supermarket that was likely shown to the police and courts that exonerated him.

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They should just eat their dollars and reshoot/retool the movie however they can with another actor since Ezra will remain the elephant in the room when it comes time to promote. The studio can only bury their head in the sand for so long until they have to make the tough decisions.

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Zazlavs's gonna do what Zazlav's gonna do, but if it's me, I'd bite the bullet and recast. It doesn't matter at this point what percentage of the allegations have merit, the public perception of Miller is now badly tainted and that perception has moved well beyond the twitter bubble.


A good Flash movie in a normal environment will easily do $500-600M WW, and that's without even factoring in all the added firepower this one has. So spend $100M if you have to, delay it 4-6 mos, whatever, and get someone in the lead whom audiences can rally around. They literally can't market this film with Ezra as the star, but if they reshoot, that in itself becomes a story that can be framed positively ('WB's New Sherrif says "Enough is Enough,") and the awareness and curiosity levels would be through the roof, even if it did take a torturous path to get there.


It's a ridiculous, unprecedented situation, but there is a way out.

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18 hours ago, jimisawesome said:

WB announce re shoots tomorrow or Monday?  Or do they dump it next Friday?


16 hours ago, grim22 said:





Thanks for this, want to first say and its sad to say this but I no longer trust anything out of RS.  This is just too many times they have got caught lying. 


Second, it wont matter the truth about this latest story because its been widely re posted with no mention of context or that these are not real weapons.  WB will still have to act and at this point because of public perception there is no way they can go forward with him its too late.

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22 hours ago, Krissykins said:

Just put it on HBOMax and don’t waste any more money. 

Opportunity cost of putting the movie on HBO Max higher than reshooting and releasing theatrically, so technically they are wasting more money by putting it on HBO Max.

Edited by lorddemaxus
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Trying to think of another actor in living memory who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory this much. Yeah ok the Fantastic Beasts franchise is a lame duck and DCU was/is a clusterfuck but there was a mountain of goodwill for Miller before all this and important people decided he could carry a blockbuster.

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17 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

Ok, so that Rolling Stone article from a couple of days ago was most likely exaggerated? Well, I guess that’s something, although there’s still a lot of other troubling things. 

It’s easy to pile on Ezra atm, so any articles that can generate a lot of clicks are gonna happen. I’m not gonna comment on any of this stuff anymore till more info comes out. It’s obvious Ezra has some issues they need help with but to what extent I have no idea. 

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