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Another really week aspect that I'm noticing in this Phase 4 is the painfully pedestrian CGI. Like, wtf is this? 


How in 2022 we're getting this CGI? It feels SO safe and Disney CGI. There's so much better special effects departments but Disney or Marvel seems to keep using this boring and whatever CGI 

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47 minutes ago, Mulder said:

Even with that, I just personally don't think it's interesting as a plot point. I think seeing Wanda slowly but surely get to this point over the course of another movie (if not two) before hitting her Disassembled/House of M personality would've worked better. Have her as an ally of Strange here but slowly but surely growing sick of his rule breaking, his hypocrisy, his arrogance etc while the Darkhold influenced her subtly. 

I'd say we have seen plenty of Wanda to justify her going mad. 

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8 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

You get wrinkly, weaker, and stop liking comic books. And if you do still like comic books, other old people will make fun of you. I don't make the rules


Sorry Season 9 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

Ah that sounds awful. Those grumpy ole people really did a number on you . Don't worry, its a safe space here. You can like comic books irrespective of your age here. No one is gonna judge you.


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11 minutes ago, expensiveho said:

I'd say we have seen plenty of Wanda to justify her going mad. 

The thing is when last we saw her in WandaVision while she was definitely on that path keep in mind once she had her mind fully opened to the harm she was doing and what she caused, she resigned herself to giving up her happiness and pretty much killing her kids and Vision 2.0 (Westview Vision? Magical Vision? Idk). To go from that to "I will kill a child to get back my kids and murder literally everyone in my way" is a big leap, the movie itself knows this and its why it uses the Darkhold excuse for how she changed so much since the last episode of WandaVision. 

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Going to have to swing the pendulum in the other direction here. Last few pages have been pessimistic. 


Just came back.


I loved this movie. Aside from a few questionable scenes (like the tunnel scene where they just stand around and wait like fucking idiots for no reason), I was thoroughly invested. And I was bit scared too because I didn't 100% trust Sam Raimi to deliver. But he did.


Elizabeth Olsen kills it. Sad to see her character meet a fate like this but absolutely worth it for the cheese and over-the-top villainous performance. So good! I really hope she comes back and does what basically every other DBZ character does and converts to being a good guy and the audience is like "YES!! finally" Worked really well for DBZ and often they become fan favorites so no reason it couldn't work here.


Pacing was a little too fast (and too much happened offscreen) but damn this movie just flies by and throws everything at the screen. It's basically an adventure-action movie with a few horror moments thrown in. It's a bit wild and tonally inconsistent but then again, I watch so many Hong Kong and Korean movies "tonal consistence" isn't even in the dictionary for those so I'm used to it.


I liked how confident it was in its own self and didn't mind subverting some expectations that will surely leave some viewers frustrated.


The original EVIL DEAD is still Sam Raimi's best movie overall but I might rank this one his second best. Loved it. This is a great example of what I'm looking for in Superhero movies: grandiose almost over-the-top character work and superhero-fueled megadrama, big stakes, effects-driven action, adventure, references, good acting, and some well-placed humor.



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21 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

You get wrinkly, weaker, and stop liking comic books. And if you do still like comic books, other old people will make fun of you. I don't make the rules


Sorry Season 9 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm


44 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Yeah, I like saying "dumb shit" just for your not cool reactions.


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To finally stop bitching and whining... 


I think all these projects and overwhelming storylines is just drawing the line between fans and GA.


The MCU doesn't feel special anymore. Before it was just the movies and we fans would gather with the GA all for the next movie. There's so much that the next thing is just one more thing. 


Now there's 4 series per year that 95% of the GA will never touch. Characters will pop-up already introduced that the GA will have no idea about or have any emotional attachment. 


I think it's much easier for the GA to catch up with movies at home but now for all these series that are not good to binge... they just won't. For the GA, it would be overkill. Hardcore overkill 


I'm a MCU shill but even I am starting to feel every criticism that is made about the MCU online more and more. I'm really feeling this overkill. Marvel trying to do to much and to mediocre. 


When you make great content, a lot can be fantastic. But the reality IMO is that Phase 4 is sadly and painfully mediocre.

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Really threatens me with a good time. Some very fun stuff in here on a staging level. But man, some of the dialogue in this......Jesus Christ. I think I saw Benedict Cumberbatch actually sigh before delivering a couple of the lines. 


Good as a Sam Raimi horror rift on superhero movies, bad as a movie where people say things like "we are protectors of the Darkhold" and "dreams are windows into other multiverses"

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2 hours ago, ImNotRacistAtAll said:

To finally stop bitching and whining... 


I think all these projects and overwhelming storylines is just drawing the line between fans and GA.


The MCU doesn't feel special anymore. Before it was just the movies and we fans would gather with the GA all for the next movie. There's so much that the next thing is just one more thing. 


Now there's 4 series per year that 95% of the GA will never touch. Characters will pop-up already introduced that the GA will have no idea about or have any emotional attachment. 


I think it's much easier for the GA to catch up with movies at home but now for all these series that are not good to binge... they just won't. For the GA, it would be overkill. Hardcore overkill 


I'm a MCU shill but even I am starting to feel every criticism that is made about the MCU online more and more. I'm really feeling this overkill. Marvel trying to do to much and to mediocre. 


When you make great content, a lot can be fantastic. But the reality IMO is that Phase 4 is sadly and painfully mediocre.


The only time the mcu felt special was in the build-up to The Avengers, back when "blank will return in blank" was new and worth getting excited about


I was a big fan of every early mcu project, but I've pretty much checked out since being disappointed by AoU





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4 hours ago, Mulder said:

Yeah I didn't like the Darkhold justification either. Agatha had it for hundreds of years and she was no where near as insane as Wanda or the Stranges were under it.

But Strange under the dark hold literally traveled to different universes killing other versions of himself.

Agatha used to darkhold to control Wanda


Wanda literally just wants her kids back and just needs to take the power from on girl. 

I think they are all equally bad under the darkhold 

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3 hours ago, Daxtreme said:



Elizabeth Olsen kills it. Sad to see her character meet a fate like this but absolutely worth it for the cheese and over-the-top villainous performance. So good! I really hope she comes back and does what basically every other DBZ character does and converts to being a good guy and the audience is like "YES!! finally" Worked really well for DBZ and often they become fan favorites so no reason it couldn't work here.

How many times must she turn evil and good again.. is the question.


How many conversions do we need to see from her? 

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The tv series are gonna be Marvel's downfall, it's getting too hard to keep up with everything. 



"There's always a method to the madness, even in the multiverse, and for Marvel fans, who know that Loki and Sylvie did something at the end of that series, that sort of allowed all this to be possible. He Who Remains is gone, and that allowed a spell to go wrong in 'Spider-Man: No Way Home,' which leads to the multiverse going quite mad in this."

Feige said this in an interview to explain the connections and it's a lot.

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