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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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4 minutes ago, cannastop said:

Either way, after the tech bubble burst, who could have predicted this?

I would have bought Apple stock if I could have predicted even a fifth or tenth of this. :ph34r:


I also would have sold it at a couple of points, so wouldn't have helped too much. :lol:


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1 minute ago, Porthos said:

I would have bought Apple stock if I could have predicted even a fifth or tenth of this. :ph34r:

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Poor Cisco though. They were once the public company with the highest market cap lol.

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9 hours ago, IronJimbo said:

Ok guys I’m going to give you guys the serious side of IronJimbo today.

Due to the Avatar thread being for Avatar I've decided to post this here.

If I have to give you a word for how I’m feeling right now it is shocked. I feel betrayed by JCS would fool even his Cameron friends – not only that he has managed to discredit us by doing something so despicable as having an alt account. From this day onward I disavow JamesCameronScholar, although he was hilarious, knocked people down a few pegs and was the one of the smartest posters on this site – it’s apparent that intelligence came with some mental health issues. JCS if you’re reading this, as you would so aptly say, seek mental help and I mean that because you are my friend.

To make ammends for my mistakes I’ve decided it was my duty as a member of this community to do some investigative work myself. I’ve managed to categorise BOT accounts into likelihood of being a JCS Alt.




top candidates


could be but irrelavent so not worth investigating


LMAO. Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

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9 hours ago, Alli said:

so JCS made a second account? why is it that bad?


9 hours ago, Talkie said:

Not surprising if JCS isn't banned. Some people can do or say anything they want here and skate on by. BOT is a bit like Animal Farm in that regard.


10 hours back in the banned... thred


JamesCameronScholar has been placed on indefinite suspension pending mod decision.


some background, got an own thread


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7 hours ago, Porthos said:

Apple has 225b cash on hand, FWIW. (down from 245b cash on hand the prior quarter)


Just to put this into perspective.


(Apple buying Disney outright has long been a rumor in the fever swamps, but I doubt it'll happen any time soon)

Can't imagine it anytime soon. Apple has their own issues and it would be super expensive. After jobs died innovation has been muted. They really screwed up phones imo. Still putting out awesome laptops butterfly keyboard issues aside.

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9 hours ago, terrestrial said:

He is very eloquent, but by far not one of the smartest posters here.


Pretty sure most hate him because he's made a fool out of them.


A truly polarising character but it comes across bitter not putting him among the smartest on here.

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15 hours ago, ban1o said:

Idk if this is the right thread for this but it really annoys me when people say Disney has a monopoly in the movie industry, If other studios were making movie people wanted to see it wouldn't be a problem. WB owns all of DC but is struggling to make a superhero movie hit a billion. Universal, Paramount, Sony. It's not Disney's fault they are struggling.... 

Disney does not have a monopoly,but I am really uncomfortable with how much they are dominating the market. That usually leads to a studio abusing it's power,and trying to throttle the completion.

It's also that Disney has it fingers in so many pies aside from movies,,,Televsion, Sports, and it huge Hotel/Resort business.

I really hope if the Mouse tries another big acquisition, it gets blocked for reasons of "restraint of Trade".

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13 hours ago, Porthos said:

Apple has 225b cash on hand, FWIW. (down from 245b cash on hand the prior quarter)


Just to put this into perspective.


(Apple buying Disney outright has long been a rumor in the fever swamps, but I doubt it'll happen any time soon)

BTW the Steve Jobs estate is the single biggest Disney shareholder from the Pixar merger. (People forget that Pixar was originally a Steve Jobs company) I think that might be the source for the "Apple buying Disney " rumors.

6 hours ago, cdsacken said:

Can't imagine it anytime soon. Apple has their own issues and it would be super expensive. After jobs died innovation has been muted. They really screwed up phones imo. Still putting out awesome laptops butterfly keyboard issues aside.

And Apple trying to buy Disney would probably trigger huge Anti Trust problems.

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13 hours ago, cannastop said:



I mean, they could probably buy Twitter though. That's around $30 billion.


Disney itself is worth around $250 billion, which is pretty fucking big.,

People forget that Disney studios is just a part of Disney. Disney owns a lot of things that people don't instantly see are Disney owned...like the ESPN networks for instance.

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23 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Disney does not have a monopoly,but I am really uncomfortable with how much they are dominating the market. That usually leads to a studio abusing it's power,and trying to throttle the completion.

It's also that Disney has it fingers in so many pies aside from movies,,,Televsion, Sports, and it huge Hotel/Resort business.

I really hope if the Mouse tries another big acquisition, it gets blocked for reasons of "restraint of Trade".


Disney does not abuse it's power , they're not nearly at it as much as news media, oil corps, pharmas and consumerable corps. 

I think it's silly to be wary of the mouse, when half the big corps on the mentioned industries have politicians and media in their pockets

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36 minutes ago, dudalb said:

BTW the Steve Jobs estate is the single biggest Disney shareholder from the Pixar merger.

Not sure if it is fully up to date (and if it is not vanguard group, Berkshire Hathaway and other boring group like that)



At present, Powell Jobs is the fourth-largest individual Disney shareholder.


I think that it got small enough over time that the transaction stopped being obligatory to be made public, it could be down to zero.

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33 minutes ago, LaughingEvans said:


Disney does not abuse it's power , they're not nearly at it as much as news media, oil corps, pharmas and consumerable corps. 

I think it's silly to be wary of the mouse, when half the big corps on the mentioned industries have politicians and media in their pockets

With Disney owning ABC news, Sky News, etc... I am not sure how much that distinction make sense.


Do you really hear that much positive coverage of the oil and pharma industry in the media (they do seem very easy to criticize, so much that big pharma is some insult and not a compliment) ?

Edited by Barnack
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1 hour ago, LaughingEvans said:


Disney does not abuse it's power , they're not nearly at it as much as news media, oil corps, pharmas and consumerable corps. 

I think it's silly to be wary of the mouse, when half the big corps on the mentioned industries have politicians and media in their pockets

Disney does abuse its powers if it thinks its better for them otherwise mickey mouse would be public domain now for example. Its just that Disney creates popular or just non-important media so its just not an issue. But if a oil company would have the same market share as disney does in its business the opinions would be not not so divisive.

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2 hours ago, dudalb said:

As was to be expected, a ugly meltdown over the annoucment that Natalie Portman would be a female Thor is Thor 4:Love and Thunder.

I would be pretty annoyed if there wasn't precedence in the comics.


I also don't really blame people unless they're being REALLY dramatic and unreasonable about it. You're changing a character the audience has grown to love. It would be like that with any product when you suddenly change a huge part of it. It's nothing to do with "ewww I don't want women in mah superhero movies". If that was the case people would have had a problem with Valkyrie. It just feels agenda driven.


That being said, I'll reiterate: there IS precedence in the comics for Jane Foster Thor so it does feel organic enough for me. Other fans may not be aware and understandably think Marvel is making Thor a woman just for the sake of it.

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