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THE STAR WARS THE RISE OF SKYWALKER WEEKEND THREAD | Abandon all hope, ye who enter here | 177.38 DOM, 197 OS, 373.5 WW | SALE NOW LIVE

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I'm no Fandom Menace. I wanted this to be good. But once the synopsis leaked, it was over. I knew it was going to be trash. people said, wait to see it in execution. But execution made those horrid leaks look like Citizen Kane. this is a terrible movie. I'm glad that me and my family didn't see it in cinemas. This is so bad because of really bad creative decisions, really bad plotting, really bad editing and really bad shafting of all characters. It's run run, get this item get that item go go yell yell next set piece next set piece, no room to breath, no room for anything just rushing to wrap it up while managing to be quite boring. 


In my opinion, this is GOT Season 8 all over again which means it's going to hit the sweet spot with GA cause it has all that GA likes - overdrawn non-stop action, lame humor, some romance, WTF reveals, tons of product placement, tons of dumb twists, no stakes, scale so big you can see someone in post production got a little too happy with copying battle ships, relentless pace that barely pauses for character moments (only 1 got a room to breathe in 2 hr and 12 min movie and therefore is a rare emotionally impactful moment). 


So I'm salty af that this is opening big for that means they won't learn from mistakes, which are numerous in this movie both creatively and on technical level, even those who like it will admit that much. We'll get more of this shit thanks to big boxoffice but next time they won't get away. They really need a JL disaster (Solo was a side story so lesson not learned) to take a good look at what they are doing wrong. It helped course correct DC, it would help course correct Disney SW


So because I'm in negative mood, I will abstain from posting in this thread. I know there are fans who want this to do well regardless of whether they liked it so I don't want to poison the well. But had to get it off my chest.

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Since Phantom Menace ive noticed a pattern. Geeks line up and watch and freak out at how great it is. The second wave goes and kinda goes along for a bit. Normal dude then goes out and announces the emperor has no clothes. The narrative shifts and soon society at large agrees the movie was average at best. Every single time.

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As a fan of both TFA and TLJ I felt like this film just disrespected my intelligence.  Through so much crap and expected me to just take it all.  I was hoping for a big OW, but now I could care less.  Honestly a big OW would probably be detrimental to the franchise at this point.  This type of film is NOT the quality we should be getting in the future.  Star Wars has always put story and characters at the forefront, and this movie didn’t care about that at all. 

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11 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

I'm no Fandom Menace. I wanted this to be good. But once the synopsis leaked, it was over. I knew it was going to be trash. people said, wait to see it in execution. But execution made those horrid leaks look like Citizen Kane. this is a terrible movie. I'm glad that me and my family didn't see it in cinemas. This is so bad because of really bad creative decisions, really bad plotting, really bad editing and really bad shafting of all characters. It's run run, get this item get that item go go yell yell next set piece next set piece, no room to breath, no room for anything just rushing to wrap it up while managing to be quite boring. 


In my opinion, this is GOT Season 8 all over again which means it's going to hit the sweet spot with GA cause it has all that GA likes - overdrawn non-stop action, lame humor, some romance, WTF reveals, tons of product placement, tons of dumb twists, no stakes, scale so big you can see someone in post production got a little too happy with copying battle ships, relentless pace that barely pauses for character moments (only 1 got a room to breathe in 2 hr and 12 min movie and therefore is a rare emotionally impactful moment). 


So I'm salty af that this is opening big for that means they won't learn from mistakes, which are numerous in this movie both creatively and on technical level, even those who like it will admit that much. We'll get more of this shit thanks to big boxoffice but next time they won't get away. They really need a JL disaster (Solo was a side story so lesson not learned) to take a good look at what they are doing wrong. It helped course correct DC, it would help course correct Disney SW


So because I'm in negative mood, I will abstain from posting in this thread. I know there are fans who want this to do well regardless of whether they liked it so I don't want to poison the well. But had to get it off my chest.



Season 8 i found was seen as okay by non fans but anyone who had any knowledge about GOT or was a fan hated it.



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46 minutes ago, stuart360 said:

This isnt the first time there has been some kind of organized backlash against a film, complete with horror stories about ticket cancelations, half full/quarter full theatres, then the film does gangbusters.

Also regardless of the haters, i'll bet my right hand (and i use that hand for everyhting he he) that the casual SW fans/general movie going audience likes this film a lot more than The Lst Jedi, and the film ends up having better legs, regardless of its opening.

As I mentioned I am a massive Star Wars fan. I adored the force awakens and I loathe The Last Jedi. I want this one to be good and I hope it does really well at the box office. I wasn't being a sensationalist when I said last night that there were only four sellouts at the two theatres closest to me. There's also a couple of other guys in Toronto, albeit different parts of it, that were also reporting only have full theatres. So it's not that any of us want to see it do poorly I was just reporting what I saw. If it truly does open to 45 million for the previews that would make me very happy.

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3 minutes ago, baumer said:

As I mentioned I am a massive Star Wars fan. I adored the force awakens and I loathe The Last Jedi. I want this one to be good and I hope it does really well at the box office. I wasn't being a sensationalist when I said last night that there were only four sellouts at the two theatres closest to me. There's also a couple of other guys in Toronto, albeit different parts of it, that were also reporting only have full theatres. So it's not that any of us want to see it do poorly I was just reporting what I saw. If it truly does open to 45 million for the previews that would make me very happy.

No i wasnt talking about you Baumer, i know you're a fan. I have seen it all over the web about ticket cancellations and thatres half/quarter full. I wasnt singling anyone out, it just seems there is this organized backlash against the film, and these horror stories popping up. The films gross will probably show that doesnt matter.

I still think legs for this will be better than The Last Jedi, my only real worry is how many people have been turned off going to see the film due to the 'bad' reviews.

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10 hours ago, OncomingStorm93 said:

Go bulls.


I just got out. 7/10. By far the worst aspect of the film was the editing throughout (but especially in the first 45 minutes)


This film would have benefited from breathing room. I don’t mean slower paced scenes. I mean starting every new scene with establishing shots before jumping into the dialogue. There’s literally no fat whatsoever in the editing, and any dietician will tell you that some fats are good for you.


Good observation. However, giving scenes more breathing room would have pushed the overall length to maybe 2:45 minutes.  Yes, I know Endgame was 3 hours and that didn't hurt its appeal, but these are the holidays and with everything going on, I think people would be more impatient with that kind of run length.


And … Go Bulls! Fingers crossed on our new coach. 

Edited by estebanJ
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1 hour ago, baumer said:

I know you're just speaking in general. But I hope you're not lumping me into either one of those groups. I love Star Wars and I hope it does well. I was just reporting yesterday that based on what I saw from my to closest theatres to me, that there were only four sellers between them. That really wasn't looking all that good.

I wasn't talking about you. I was just speaking in general.

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8 minutes ago, Knights of Ren said:

As a fan of both TFA and TLJ I felt like this film just disrespected my intelligence.  Through so much crap and expected me to just take it all.  I was hoping for a big OW, but now I could care less.  Honestly a big OW would probably be detrimental to the franchise at this point.  This type of film is NOT the quality we should be getting in the future.  Star Wars has always put story and characters at the forefront, and this movie didn’t care about that at all. 


I have just one question how did sending a ship in to light speed through an enormous ship and it destroying the big ship completely not insult you intelligence? (don’t get me wrong if something that big would go as fast as the speed of light it would destroy that ship on impact) the question is why don’t they always use this. Why didn’t kylo just send one ship in to lightspeed on the planet they where sheltering at it would have whipped that base completely.

The fact that there isn’t a defence for that is totally unbelievable because if it’s so easy to do you basically need a ring to put a small ship in to light speed and just destroy planets. The fact that this is possible and in a 1000 years of flying ships in lightspeed nobody came up with It is totally impossible.

And yeah lightsabre, laser blasters etc are also not logical and it’s a fantasy serie so not everything has to make sense. The problem is they did it, they showed it works and now the problem is why fight with ships vs ships? If you have 10 v 10 ships just send on of you ships through the other one in hyper space and win the battle. You only have 1 ship the others have a fleet, np just send that ship in to them and you win easily. This introduction practically means you can only use small ships because they would be a lot harder to hit with this tactic. So I think this is the biggest insult ever because it made most things ever done in sw obsolete.


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12 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:



Season 8 i found was seen as okay by non fans but anyone who had any knowledge about GOT or was a fan hated it.



The animosity towards GOT Season 8 seems far more widespread among casuals and hardcore fans of that series than the one generated towards TROS. At least the latter is giving very casual fans (i.e. people who don't engage in the intense SW online discourse) the thrills and spills they want when they enjoy in a huge blockbuster of this scale. The former on the other hand had a surprising lack of crowd-pleasing moments (with the exception of one which was still pretty controversial), under-serving popular characters while hoisting less compelling figures onto a pedestal, and boasting action sequences which by all accounts did not live up to the high expectations people had for them.

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7 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

So how much does this need to make worldwide NOT to be considered a disappointment? 


I billion?


1.1 billion?

Under The Last Jedi would be enough as it would break the mold of the two previous trilogies box office wise.

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7 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

So how much does this need to make worldwide NOT to be considered a disappointment? 


I billion?


1.1 billion?

1.1 billion was considered the absolute worst case scenario if everything goes wrong , just a few weeks ago. 

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